Bicycle commute

Yesterday morning, while waiting for green at the traffic light, a car pulled up next to me playing Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley very loudly. Reggae sounds early in the morning. Made my day.

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Writing for the web – assessing my own writing style

I love reading list articles. This one crossed my paths this week. Just for fun, I’ll run thru the list and assess my own writing for the web style on this blog. So let’s get started”¦ Provide a Reader’s Digest or Executive Summary version. I don’t write a reader’s digest or summary for posts on… Continue reading Writing for the web – assessing my own writing style

Basel to Blantyre and back

My daily routine has engulfed me already. But I want to add some notes on my recent visit to Blantyre. And point you to some photos. And travel tips. Let’s start with the travel tips: A very favourable recent development for Blantyre-bound travellers is the fact that Ethiopian Airlines now flies to Malawi’s commercial centre… Continue reading Basel to Blantyre and back


I found this paste-up yesterday:

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How to rank in 2013

I found a good summary of SEO. Good practical framework to guide you through the 200+ rank factors. Recommended.

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Keep this link: “How to launch anything”

I enjoyed reading this article by Nathan Barry: “How to launch anything” Recommended read. My summary in my own words: Start marketing early – even before the product is developed. This helps to identify your audience and to write a marketing plan. Write with a purpose. Set a goal and work towards the goal. Analyze… Continue reading Keep this link: “How to launch anything”

A flower snapshot

a snapshot, a photo by nchenga on Flickr. A poppy for the boring flower set. Poppies are associated with Remembrance Day.

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Because writing helps

Sometimes I wish I had developed into a confessional blog. You know the kind where you write about your worries and sorrow and challenges. Why? Because writing helps. I noticed yesterday that writing helped me to sort through a difficult web navigational problem that I am encountering. It helps me to reflect. The benefits… Continue reading Because writing helps

Summer time

Finally summer is here. With a big bang. At least that’s my perception. After weeks and weeks of rain. Today temperatures may cross the 30 degree mark in Basel. Camera update: In case you’re wondering about the EXIF data. I swapped my Canon Powershot S90 with my mom’s Ricoh CX 6. And I bought a… Continue reading Summer time

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Successful blogging?

I love reading list articles. Here’s one that appeared on my radar today: 6 Pillars of a Successful Blog And just for fun, I’ll run thru the list and assess my own private blogging chez moi. So let’s get started… Purpose/Message/Mission This is a private blog. The main purpose is to learn and reflect. It’s… Continue reading Successful blogging?

For the boring flower snapshot gallery

Another addition for my boring flower snapshot set: Carpe diem. Enjoy today. Don’t fight and argue. Meditate on beautiful and worthy things. Create something. Relax. Life is very short and fragile.

It’s ok to hate Twitter

Interesting article: it may also reflect a changing attitude about social media: Our participation is still our choice, so maybe it’s time to talk about our problems with it, to think about ways to make our social lives better online. Just bellyaching because they can? Or is it a trend? From the archives: Will the… Continue reading It’s ok to hate Twitter

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Identity and culture

Somewhere deep inside of me, I have this blog post bubbling up and forming about identity. It is influenced by my own state of being an eternal foreigner, an Auslandsdeutsche. But also influenced by other observations on organizational cultures and the changes within the internet. I started watching this talk by Anil Dash: He says… Continue reading Identity and culture

Social media sending less traffic, less clicks?

While analyzing website analytics on this blog and on other sites, I’ve noticed that, in year-on-year comparisons, website links within social media streams on Facebook and Twitter are getting less clicks. Despite more followers and more content activity. Reasons? I think many of us are nearing saturation point. Sharing and liking functions are everywhere. More… Continue reading Social media sending less traffic, less clicks?

Murten walk

I followed another recommended walk from the little yellow booklet, published by the Swiss heritage society. This time I headed to Murten to see the city wall. It was snowing quite heavily. The lake was invisible in grey clouds. But still fun. Especially with a cup of hot chocolate.

Banana Bread Recipe

Squishy bananas. So I tried to make this: Banana Bread Recipe by Simply Recipes. But unfortunately, I added a lot of variations. Such as nuts and dried apricots and cocoa. So I can’t really recommend the recipe or write a review. But despite the odds, the result is delicious.

Moving from Google Reader to

Even though Google Reader showed up prominently in yesterday’s SERPs for “best free RSS reader”, someone at Google has decided to end the product life of Google Reader. It’s time to move on to a new RSS reader. Several RSS readers managed to survive despite Google Reader’s dominance. And some new ones emerged. These tools… Continue reading Moving from Google Reader to


For future reference: Better SEO through Integrated Content Marketing

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