Because writing helps

Sometimes I wish I had developed into a confessional blog. You know the kind where you write about your worries and sorrow and challenges.

Why? Because writing helps.

I noticed yesterday that writing helped me to sort through a difficult web navigational problem that I am encountering. It helps me to reflect.

The benefits of writing daily. Which i don’t manage to do. Yet. Weekly would be a first, reachable goal.

My head is buzzing with lots of questions and ideas. This is where I can list them and then return at leisure. Still in line with my blog definition of 2004.

riding a bicycle

Some articles on web and social media content that I’d like to mention here:

The first is not new for bloggers. We noticed this long ago. In addition to quality content, frequency matters.

Here’s an interesting entry on link building and local SEO. In a nutshell: Focus on developing good content and engaging with your community on social media rather than spending $$$ on dubious SEO providers that add links from low-quality sites.

Writing tip via Seth Godin: Say the opposite. This also works for ideas. Try and think of your worst idea ever. So
stupid and dumb, nobody would ever use it. Often this helps you to find original ideas.

I am hearing a lot about Kaizen and I have questions:

  1. Aren’t Kaizen and Scrum related? What are the differences?
  2. And a dumb question – If Kaizen is a way to improve continuously, and Kaizen originated in Japan, why is the Japanese economy stagnating for so many years? Is it not used as much in Japanese business?

I found a great website that rates the Terms of Service of various web and mobile apps.


This morning I remembered some ancient poetry that we used to sing at school assembly in Blantyre.

Enjoy the warm weather.

By nchenga

Nchenga-nchenga is my nickname. is my online playground, scrap book, and on-going collection of bookmarks and interesting quotes. Chiperoni is a Malawian term for cold, grey, rainy weather. I am a bridge blogger somewhere between Basel and Blantyre. The opinions and comments expressed here are my own personal opinions and do not represent my employer's view in anyway. So far, this blog is free of advertising or paid articles or similar.

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