Sometimes it’s better to let what you’re looking for find you. Be still. Be you. Be happy.
good ideas will adapt and catch on, even if you neglect them for a while
Funny spam tweet (if you know where Dwangwa is):
Faved RT @MissKateSmall: RT @SummerHouseSA: “What day is it?” asked Pooh. “Its today” squeaked Piglet. “My favourite day” said Pooh.
— sand (@nchenga) June 7, 2012
Carpe diem. Live in the moment.
Swiss German woes
Wozu lernt man in der Schule eigentlich Hochdeutsch? Die Deutschen verstehen uns so ja trotzdem nicht.
— Olivier Oswald (@ooswald) August 25, 2012
Like this one very much:
New rule: if anyone has an idea, they have to do it.
— frescosecco (@frescosecco) October 12, 2012
Secure passwords:
Sorry, but your password must contain an uppercase letter, a number, a punctuation mark, a gang sign, an extinct mammal and a hieroglyph.
— Stephanie Wright (@StephBWright) October 10, 2012
Schon lustig, wie Content Marketing durch’s Dorf gejagt wird. Als Blogger ist der Ansatz seit jeher die normalste Sache der Welt.
— Leander Wattig (@leanderwattig) September 4, 2013
“Mach d Wösch!”
— CollectThisTweet (@nchenga) January 15, 2014
“all we need is internet ga ga, internet goo goo”
— CollectThisTweet (@nchenga) April 27, 2014
I miss not being able to show off what I’m reading on public transport.
— Bob (@toriatweeter) April 27, 2014
“Most programmers that I run into these days more closely resemble theologians than programmers” – @fogus
— About Programming (@abt_programming) March 14, 2014
‘God Bless our land of Malawi, Keep it a land of peace.. Join together all our hearts as one that we be free from fear’ #malawielections2014
— nishet (@nishet) May 21, 2014
‘Bless our leader each and everyone and Mother Malawi’ #malawielections2014. Keep singing this to myself as I think of home.
— nishet (@nishet) May 21, 2014
They keep asking: “Tannie Evita? Are you watching the World Cup?” I just say: “Why, skattie? I saw it four years ago.” #WorldCup2014
— Evita Bezuidenhout (@TannieEvita) June 12, 2014
it’s not you, it’s your tweets.
— Markus Spath (@hackr) June 20, 2014
The thing about the Germans is that they’re Germans.
— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) July 4, 2014
@nchenga mmmmmmnope. Wieso eigentlich nicht?
LIKE .-)