Dear blog, I am happy to report that I went running on 5 out of 7 days this past week. The plan is to replace my daily outdoor swim with a slow jog. Today I did the 2 hills tour. Starting at Bettingerstrasse, running along the Wiese river, via Sonnenhalde and Wenkenpark. More than 6… Continue reading Jog log
Category: blogging
Barcamp Bodensee 2016
Last Saturday I attended Barcamp Bodensee in Konstanz. Here are some brief notes and thoughts on sessions that I attended: Ask a digital teen Barcamp attendees asked a 15 year old what apps and web services he uses. Youtube, Gaming, TeamSpeak, Discord app, some Whatsapp, Google Calendar. No TV. No Facebook. His school doesn’t allow… Continue reading Barcamp Bodensee 2016
The future of blogging is … plogging
I found this Wired article discussing Facebook’s recent Notes update for long-form content and Medium. Apparently, “plogging” stands for platform-based blogging. "it’s hard being a blogger today, because to succeed you need to be able to scale" — âœ___CollectThisTweet (@nchenga) October 3, 2015 “Blogs and the longer forms of expression they accommodate won’t… Continue reading The future of blogging is … plogging
New theme chez Chiperoni
Lingonberry. I like
I’m trying a new WordPress theme
It’s called Radcliffe by Anders Noren.
Links and ideas from last week’s WordCamp in Zürich #wcch
I attended the WordCamp in Zurich last Saturday. It’s been a while since I attended a similar geek event and I enjoyed listening to others. It was encouraging to hear about WordPress. I’ve used WordPress since September 2004. And it’s truly a great sign of continuity that WordPress is still here. Not only that, but… Continue reading Links and ideas from last week’s WordCamp in Zürich #wcch
The blog is dead. Again.
Recommended read: Article by Jason Kottke. The blog as we once knew it is dead, but many of its elements will live on. If you want something to cry about, cry about the decline of the open web, the death of which would be a huge blow for us all. But perhaps that’s a topic… Continue reading The blog is dead. Again.
A fave for
This is a blog post to say thank you to On Monday morning, I noticed that I had forgotten my bicycle lock at home. Since I don’t have a lockable place to store my bike near work, I hurried to the closest bicycle shop planning to buy a substitute. When I noticed I’d forgotten… Continue reading A fave for How to motivate yourself
This article continues some thoughts discussed in a previous entry: How To Motivate Yourself Into an Exercise Routine You'll Actually Stick To. I like the idea of thinking in systems.
Scott Adams on Goals vs. Systems
Recommended: Scott Adams Blog: Goals vs. Systems “Before long your body will be trained, like Pavlov’s dogs, to crave the psychological lift you get from being active every day.” Lots of food for thought in this article. I particularly like the notes on writing and using blogging as a system to find new opportunities. Also… Continue reading Scott Adams on Goals vs. Systems
Writing for the web – assessing my own writing style
I love reading list articles. This one crossed my paths this week. Just for fun, I’ll run thru the list and assess my own writing for the web style on this blog. So let’s get started”¦ Provide a Reader’s Digest or Executive Summary version. I don’t write a reader’s digest or summary for posts on… Continue reading Writing for the web – assessing my own writing style
Because writing helps
Sometimes I wish I had developed into a confessional blog. You know the kind where you write about your worries and sorrow and challenges. Why? Because writing helps. I noticed yesterday that writing helped me to sort through a difficult web navigational problem that I am encountering. It helps me to reflect. The benefits… Continue reading Because writing helps
Successful blogging?
I love reading list articles. Here’s one that appeared on my radar today: 6 Pillars of a Successful Blog And just for fun, I’ll run thru the list and assess my own private blogging chez moi. So let’s get started… Purpose/Message/Mission This is a private blog. The main purpose is to learn and reflect. It’s… Continue reading Successful blogging?
Identity and culture
Somewhere deep inside of me, I have this blog post bubbling up and forming about identity. It is influenced by my own state of being an eternal foreigner, an Auslandsdeutsche. But also influenced by other observations on organizational cultures and the changes within the internet. I started watching this talk by Anil Dash: He says… Continue reading Identity and culture
Moving from Google Reader to
Even though Google Reader showed up prominently in yesterday’s SERPs for “best free RSS reader”, someone at Google has decided to end the product life of Google Reader. It’s time to move on to a new RSS reader. Several RSS readers managed to survive despite Google Reader’s dominance. And some new ones emerged. These tools… Continue reading Moving from Google Reader to
Bufferapp stats for tweets and posts
I am confused by the analytics view shown in Bufferapp. Consider the 2 tweets i posted this morning: One has 0 (zero) clicks and one has close to 200. I am not questioning the 0. It’s a known fact Twitter engagement has gone down. Disappeared. But… I am fairly sure that nobody clicked on my… Continue reading Bufferapp stats for tweets and posts
Success theater is boring
I recommended reading this article: Success theater is boring. Directly related to the increasing lack of privacy. All the world’s a stage. Social media featuritis is part of a never-ending cycle. Ironically the author mentions new tools (Snapchat, VidBurn and Facebook Poke) to replace the broadcast tools. Keep calm. Don’t join the rat race. Use… Continue reading Success theater is boring
I am thankful for lots of big and little things. Family Friends Health Food A job Connectivity The possibility to learn and study new things Political and religious freedom Fresh air Enough water to take a shower when i want or wash my clothes Electricity Reliable public transport when i need it Challenges and adventures… Continue reading Thankful
Ten twenty seven
Sipping coffee. Reading tweets. Faving Flickr photos. And listening to “Klassik-Pop-et cetera” on Some music references to remember: Paul Gerhard “Ich steh an deiner Krippe hier” Mahalia Jackson “Go tell it on the mountain” Pete Seeger Johann Sebastian Bach “Ich lasse dich nicht denn du segnest mich denn” Some ancient poetry that crossed my… Continue reading Ten twenty seven
Building websites with Jekyll, Github Pages
This post has made me very curious. They use a different stack: Jekyll for page templates and static file generation HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files GitHub Pages static HTTP server Supplemented with external APIs where necessary I guess, you can convert WordPress to static HTML. I found this description. Looking a little further, there’s this… Continue reading Building websites with Jekyll, Github Pages
Nchenga as seen from space
Blogging isn’t dead (yet)
Heh, heh. Here is a “why you should blog” article from January 2012. Blogging isn’t dead (yet). I just spent hours trying to de-infest a Joomla 1.0 or 1.5 site from spam. And I am ready to leave PHP behind me forever.
Sunny Sunday
I just got back from a run around the Finnenbahn. The distance is nothing to write home about, but it was a pleasurable experience with temperatures around 18 degrees. Spring is here. With all the fresh air rushing thru my system, I was in mindblogging mode. Reflecting on all the data I have been consuming… Continue reading Sunny Sunday
Preparing my next social media talk
I have been invited to speak on social media somewhere in Germany. (Im Ausland!!!) Apparently this gathering of people doesn’t use new media applications yet. (Really? Truely?) This is my abstract: Erst gab es Blogs und Flickr, dann kam Twitter und Facebook, und jetzt gibt es G+, Pinterest, Foursquare und Klout. Immer mehr Web-Anwendungen drängen… Continue reading Preparing my next social media talk
For me 2010 has been special. While I was a kid, I wondered and dreamed about 2010 and where I would be. My life is very different from what I dreamed it would be. But it is good. I achieved one of my long-standing goals. I am venturing out to embrace new challenges. Hello 2011.