Content distribution strategies on my mind

Brian Dean’s recent study confirmed what many Digital Marketing folks know intuitively. (…) Brian Dean recently found that 94% of all content generates zero backlinks. And just 1.3% of articles gobble up 75% of all social shares. Source: Brafton It’s 2020 and we’ve have been pumping out content for many years. Algorithms influence distribution. How do you earn… Continue reading Content distribution strategies on my mind

Reasons to blog

I saw this article today on the benefits of blogging: “So why should you blog?” — ✁___CollectThisTweet (@nchenga) November 1, 2015 Blogs refine your thoughts Blogs reward the creator Blogs amplify your humanity Blogs connect us to our tribes Blogs give introverts a voice Blogs reward the “new age” publishers Blogs embrace the experimenters Blogs… Continue reading Reasons to blog

Referral traffic from social media has dropped

I saw this Bufferapp article on declining social media traffic. We’ve lost nearly half our social referral traffic in the last year I say. No wonder. Everybody is online, creating tonnes of content. Most people are too busy to read, let alone follow so many data streams. Many web pages don’t get any traffic at… Continue reading Referral traffic from social media has dropped

Content first

Last Saturday I attended UX camp Switzerland. A very good event to learn about user experience, human-centered design, usability testing, MVP and prototyping tools. Talks I listened to: Stefanie Klekamp presented lots of background info on the Think Aloud usability testing method. Which I found useful. She explained the theories behind the method and also… Continue reading Content first

Quote of the day #SEO

Social media isn’t reaching people like it used to. via The New Emphasis On Link Building: What's Behind It And How To React. Back to link building? Probably. Read this advice: The best way to have your website rank higher is to make it better for your users. Being better requires that your website is… Continue reading Quote of the day #SEO

Google Hummingbird links

The latest addition to the SEO zoo is a hummingbird. The algorithm change was announced in September 2013 but went live a month earlier. Searchengineland has some useful background information: FAQ: All About The New Google “Hummingbird” Algorithm Hummingbird’s Impact On B2B Sites Apparently this release will improve Google’s ability to predict a user’s search… Continue reading Google Hummingbird links

Tracking conversion in single page web apps

Last week I asked for help on using Google Analytics to track conversion in single page web apps: How to add conversion tracking to single page web apps? Use events or model page views? #followerpower — ✁___CollectThisTweet (@nchenga) November 6, 2013 Tweet, tweet: #followerpower best practise or background info on adding web analytics such as… Continue reading Tracking conversion in single page web apps

Keep this link: “How to launch anything”

I enjoyed reading this article by Nathan Barry: “How to launch anything” Recommended read. My summary in my own words: Start marketing early – even before the product is developed. This helps to identify your audience and to write a marketing plan. Write with a purpose. Set a goal and work towards the goal. Analyze… Continue reading Keep this link: “How to launch anything”

Successful blogging?

I love reading list articles. Here’s one that appeared on my radar today: 6 Pillars of a Successful Blog And just for fun, I’ll run thru the list and assess my own private blogging chez moi. So let’s get started… Purpose/Message/Mission This is a private blog. The main purpose is to learn and reflect. It’s… Continue reading Successful blogging?

Social media sending less traffic, less clicks?

While analyzing website analytics on this blog and on other sites, I’ve noticed that, in year-on-year comparisons, website links within social media streams on Facebook and Twitter are getting less clicks. Despite more followers and more content activity. Reasons? I think many of us are nearing saturation point. Sharing and liking functions are everywhere. More… Continue reading Social media sending less traffic, less clicks?

Agile Marketing

Sub-consciously I’ve started following content streams on Agile Marketing. The topic seems to pop up everywhere I turn. Or maybe there are more people writing about this topic? Even Copyblogger had a post on How to Create an Agile Content Marketing Strategy IMHO it makes a lot of sense to apply agile management methods to… Continue reading Agile Marketing

Just because I can, doesn’t mean I should

Hidden in this screenshot are 22 thousand reasons not to base your entire marketing on G+ or FB or Twitter or anybody else. I thought Google had learnt the lesson when they botched the Buzz launch. Well, here they are pushing events via soc med contacts to something as personal as a calendar.

Categorized as marketing

Consumer literacy

interesting read: I just think that people seem less and less concerned about where their information comes from at a time when I think they should be more and more concerned about it.

Categorized as marketing

Preparing my next social media talk

I have been invited to speak on social media somewhere in Germany. (Im Ausland!!!) Apparently this gathering of people doesn’t use new media applications yet. (Really? Truely?) This is my abstract: Erst gab es Blogs und Flickr, dann kam Twitter und Facebook, und jetzt gibt es G+, Pinterest, Foursquare und Klout. Immer mehr Web-Anwendungen drängen… Continue reading Preparing my next social media talk

The 3Ps of News Distribution

Via Cyberwriter, here are the 3Ps of news distribution: Portable : 33% of cell phone owners now access news on their cell phones. Personalized : 28% of internet users have customized their home page to include news from sources and on topics that particularly interest them. Participatory : 37% of internet users have contributed to… Continue reading The 3Ps of News Distribution

Streams of Content

QOTD: Successful businesses will not be everything to everyone; that’s the broadcast mentality. Instead, they will play a meaningful role to a cohort of committed consumers who give their attention to them because of their relevance. via Streams of Content, Limited Attention | UX Magazine.

Twitter for the masses

I saw this retweet pointing to Jeremy Toeman’s article Will normal folks ever use Twitter?”. (By default that makes me un-normal….) He makes an excellent point which matches my own experience. Most people don’t see the added benefit of using Twitter. The uses are difficult to grasp. Especially since Twitter turned off the SMS service… Continue reading Twitter for the masses

Intro to SEO and SEM

I am faced with the challenge to explain SEO and SEM in a 1 hour presentation. The audience consists of business folks. Where to start explaining is the hard part. Also there are so many myths in this area – garnered by SEO vendors selling their services as a “Wunderwaffe” for instant web traffic success.… Continue reading Intro to SEO and SEM

Social Media News Room

Cyberwiter posted the above tweet on using social media to enhance your company’s online news room. The article lists ways how to aggregate text, images, audio and video to make it useful for corporations and their target audience. Ein gutgemachter Social Media Newsroom ist essentiell für die Online-PR: Er … 1. eröffnet einen schnellen Zugang… Continue reading Social Media News Room

Gaming the System

Recommended read via Mlle A.‘s Delicious bookmarks: How we killed social media And probably a reason why many companies that are latecomers to the social media circus will never understand, why everybody is was so excited. Instead of following the latest social media advertising trend, my advice is: Be yourself. Be your-crazy-self. If it means… Continue reading Gaming the System

Where are the business models for content?

News of dying newspapers and print magazines have been making the rounds. But also some well-established and respected blogs are closing, or struggling. Mlle A. of Handmade2.0 recently commented on a design blog’s call for donations: It’s not just print mags that face hardship. Meaning, blogs that started out with an unpaid version and that… Continue reading Where are the business models for content?

Categorized as marketing