To get rid of some ripe and mushy bananas*, I decided to bake some banana bread today.
What I usually do is mix up a basic cake butter and then add 2-3 bananas to the batter. Today has been one big experiment ‘cos I didn’t have some of the ingredients. And I still don’t have a proper measurement jar. But that’s no reason to stop this bucket chemist.
I’m still waiting to see what the results are like….
[update] Banana bread tastes great… not sweet, lots of natural banana aroma, beautiful and moist. Experiment was a huge success!
The Recipe:
400 g flour
150 g sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar (or some drops of vanilla essence)
3 bananas
2 teaspoons baking powder
80 ml oil
120 ml milk
Mix everything together starting with the sugar and oil.
Bake the whole thing very slowly at 150 degrees…
I added water instead of milk, some cocoa powder, and lots more baking powder (i’m a bucket chemist, i believe in chemical reaction).
*i hate eating ripe and mushy bananas. I’d rather throw them away. I used to feed my dogs the ripe bananas. But that was in Malawi where bananas are plentiful and cheaper.