Category: recipe

  • Baking Banana Bread

    3 mushy bananas means… It’s time for Banana Bread.

    Today’s variation:

    • I used whole wheat flour
    • I added 150 grams of plain joghurt
    • I added lots of walnuts (omega 3 for the win)
    • I added nutmeg, kambuzi sauce, and vanilla sugar for taste

    It’s in the oven, baking at a low heat.

  • Red lentil soup

    Inspired by this recipe I made red lentil soup. Turned out very well.

    red lentils soup

    In addition to the curry and coriander, I added some ginger, chilis and some Nali sauce.

  • For the #recipe backlog at Chiperoni

    Here’s a cross-reference to yet another banana bread recipe.

  • Yet another banana bread recipe

    This recipe inspired me to carry out another banana bread experiment. I found the recipe on this list of banana bread recipes.

    My variation:
    I used some leftover hazelnut flour and some leftover coconut flour. Added some hazelnuts. And I used sesame oil instead of coconut oil.

    And because I didn’t have any cocoa at home, I skipped the part about adding cocoa and chocolate chips to one part of the cake dough.

    So it’s really a new recipe. A new creation.

  • Papaya is a super food

    Via “50 foods you should be eating”, papaya is highly recommended:

    34. Papaya
    If you’re feeling the onset of a cold, reach for this tropical fruit instead of an orange next time. One papaya has more than three times the daily recommended intake of vitamin C and is also stocked with flavonoids, vitamin B, potassium, magnesium and fiber. All in all, it’s good for the cardiovascular system and reduces the risk of colon cancer.

    See also the anamed website

  • Banana Bread – December 2013 version

    Four, very overripe bananas in my kitchen… means it’s time for banana bread.

    I found this recipe while searching for the keyphrase “coconut banana bread” and decided to give it a try:


    4 bananas, (2 1/2 cups mashed or 575 grams)(they can be yellow bananas)

    4 eggs

    1/2 cup almond butter (140 grams)(or coconut, sunflower seed, macadamia nut, etc butter)

    4 tablespoons grass-fed butter, melted (can substitute coconut oil)

    1/2 cup coconut flour (75 grams)(or almond flour, macadamia nut meal, etc)

    1 tablespoon cinnamon

    1 teaspoon baking soda

    1 teaspoon baking powder (gluten free or homemade)

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    pinch of sea salt

    via Paleo Banana Bread at Civilized Caveman Cooking Creations.

    Throw everything together, mix and bake at 180 C.

    I used tahina instead of almond butter.

    Banana Bread ”“ December 2013 version

  • Banana Bread Recipe

    Squishy bananas.

    So I tried to make this:

    Banana Bread Recipe by Simply Recipes.

    But unfortunately, I added a lot of variations. Such as nuts and dried apricots and cocoa. So I can’t really recommend the recipe or write a review. But despite the odds, the result is delicious.

  • Khachapuri

    Inspired by a., I tried making khachapuri, Georgian cheese bread. It was a fun project and very tasty.

    snapshot by

    There are lots of recipes.

  • Experimental Sunday

    This bucket chemist made Rüeblitorte based on this Betty Bossi recipe.

    English translation via Google Translate (which can now process .pdfs).

    Recipe Betty Bossi From “Back Buch”, 2001 © Betty Bossi Verlag AG

    Carrot cake
    5 egg yolks
    250 g sugar stir until foamy
    250 g carrots, grated
    250 g almonds, grated
    1 lemon, add juice and peel
    80 g flour
    1 tablespoon baking powder
    5 egg whites, beaten until stiff
    1 pinch of salt
    Put in well-greased, floured springform pan (Ø 24 cm).
    Bake at low heat (180 ° C) for about 50 minutes.
    Allow to cool.

    After garnish as desired with lemon or cherry glaze and marzipan carrots. Lemon glaze: 250g icing sugar 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice.
    Cherry glaze: 250g icing sugar 1 tablespoon water 1-2 tablespoons kirsch.

    Pics to follow.

  • Fresh Ginger Tea

    Here’s a family secret I’m sharing free of charge:

    To make ginger tea:

    • Peel some fresh ginger root.
    • Cut it into smaller slices or chunks and put them into a tea pot.
    • Pour boiling hot water and allow to brew for a couple of minutes before serving…. é voilà !

    I like drinking it hot and cold… and I leave the ginger chunks in, but you may want to adapt this to suit your own taste.

  • crumbled

    Here’s a simple and rustique family recipe to make crumble:

    Cover the bottom of a heat-resistant dish with slices of fruit such as apples, pears, or plums.

    Stir up some crumbles for the topping (you can use the same recipe for the topping as in Streuselkuchen, but i’d leave out the cinnamon and use brown sugar instead)

    Add nuts and put into the oven for about 40 to 45 minutes until slightly brown.



    ze result before baking

  • The African Cookbook Project

    just read about the African Cookbook Project.

    You can submit your favourite African recipe at:
    questions (at)

    Off the top of my head and based on the recipes I’ve published here at, I would say banana bread.

    I’m sending an email to Blantyre to ask my mom…

  • come fare il sugo

    stamattina ho provato fare un sugo con tutti i pomodori che non ho mangiato.

    Ho trovato questa pagina:

    Sugo di pomodoro semplice *

    (importante per me: deve stare semplice)

    e tutto nella pentola. vediamo come ha funzionato…dopo

  • banana bread experiment

    To get rid of some ripe and mushy bananas*, I decided to bake some banana bread today.

    What I usually do is mix up a basic cake butter and then add 2-3 bananas to the batter. Today has been one big experiment ‘cos I didn’t have some of the ingredients. And I still don’t have a proper measurement jar. But that’s no reason to stop this bucket chemist.

    I’m still waiting to see what the results are like….

    Banana bread tastes great… not sweet, lots of natural banana aroma, beautiful and moist. Experiment was a huge success!

    The Recipe:
    400 g flour
    150 g sugar
    1 packet of vanilla sugar (or some drops of vanilla essence)
    3 bananas
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    80 ml oil
    120 ml milk

    Mix everything together starting with the sugar and oil.

    Bake the whole thing very slowly at 150 degrees…

    I added water instead of milk, some cocoa powder, and lots more baking powder (i’m a bucket chemist, i believe in chemical reaction).


    *i hate eating ripe and mushy bananas. I’d rather throw them away. I used to feed my dogs the ripe bananas. But that was in Malawi where bananas are plentiful and cheaper.

  • Basler Brunsli

    Apparently the Basel German word for biscuits/cookies/Kekse is Gutzi and not Gutzli.
    I was fairly confident that the bakery at the supermarket across the road from my office had introduced a typo.
    Turns out it’s not a typo. In my part of Switzerland, people say Gutzi, while in the Zurich area they say Gutzli.

    Anyway… i’ve started to search the net for a good recipe for Basler Brunsli. I’ll try out the recipe in the next couple of days/weeks. And post a summary of my findings.

    Basler Brunsli

    200 g dunkle Schokolade gerieben
    250 g Zucker
    250 g Mandeln, nicht geschälte, fein gehackt
    3 Eiweiss
    2 EL, gestr., Kartoffelmehl
    2 Msp. Zimt
    1 Msp. Nelken


    Eiweiss zu Schnee schlagen und nach und nach mit den restlichen Zutaten vermischen, bis ein Teig entsteht. Den Teig wenn möglich 1-2 h an einem kühlen Ort ruhen lassen.
    Den Teig dann auf einem mit Zucker bestreuten Brett kurz kneten und in 3-4 Stücke teilen. Die Stücke auf Zucker 1 cm hoch auswallen und beliebige Formen ausstechen. Die ausgestochenen Formen auf ein mit Backpapier ausgelegtes Backblech legen und über Nacht trocknen lassen. Dann 3-5 Min. bei 200 Grad backen. Sie sollten aussen fest und innen feucht sein.