I witnessed a motorbike crash this morning while cycling to work. I was cycling up Elisabethenstrasse when I heard a loud crash. A motorbiker had crashed on the other side of the street. At a place where the tram tracks and street don’t leave much space for cyclists and motorbikes. At exactly the same spot… Continue reading Cyclists, beware of tram tracks. Dangerous spot on Elisabethenstrasse in Basel
Category: biking
Sursee – Schenkon – Sempach – Nottwil – Sursee bicycle tour
Some snapshots from my Lake Sempach bicycle tour on Sunday: The tour is about 20 kilometers. If you have an all-terrain bicycle, try to follow the path closest to the lake. That’s more enjoyable than the busy road. I managed to miss the turn-off to Sursee SBB train station. And so I saw Schenkon twice.… Continue reading Sursee – Schenkon – Sempach – Nottwil – Sursee bicycle tour
Wrong way round
Yesterday morning a cyclist decided to cycle thru one of the roundabouts the wrong way round. During early morning traffic to work. If you’re thinking probably a bicycle courier: This cyclist was a woman in her 30s or 40s. Nothing happened. No accident followed. But it still had me shaking my head. Road traffic rules… Continue reading Wrong way round
Cycling to work is fun
For some reason. Beyond my understanding. My regular bike to work (still) draws exclamations of amazement from some work colleagues. Walking into the office on Thursday morning with my bicycle helmet in my hand, I heard the usual comments. For the record: Cycling to work is fun. I don’t need to force myself to get… Continue reading Cycling to work is fun
A fave for http://www.wenger-2-rad.ch/
This is a blog post to say thank you to http://www.wenger-2-rad.ch/. On Monday morning, I noticed that I had forgotten my bicycle lock at home. Since I don’t have a lockable place to store my bike near work, I hurried to the closest bicycle shop planning to buy a substitute. When I noticed I’d forgotten… Continue reading A fave for http://www.wenger-2-rad.ch/
#Klapprad http://flic.kr/p/hqbFKT
Che nostalgia. I had a foldable bicycle just like this.
e-bike rage, i haz it
I think i am developing a bad case of e-bike rage. Two days in a row, the same two e-bikes (bicycles powered by an electric engine) overtook me (cycling on a regular, muscle-powered bicycle) so closely, I thought they’d hit my bicycle handlebar. This morning I was waiting at a red light. A car was… Continue reading e-bike rage, i haz it
Sunny Sunday
I just got back from a run around the Finnenbahn. The distance is nothing to write home about, but it was a pleasurable experience with temperatures around 18 degrees. Spring is here. With all the fresh air rushing thru my system, I was in mindblogging mode. Reflecting on all the data I have been consuming… Continue reading Sunny Sunday
Bike tour to Bad Säckingen and back
I cycled over 60 km to Bad Säckingen via an unwanted detour to Liestal, and then on to Rheinfelden, Möhlin, Wallbach, Stein. I cycled back on the German side via Schwörstadt, Grenzach-Wyhlen. No mountains. A few hills. I only took a few photos. Coming soon.
Bike tour Basel to Bad Bellingen and back
A quick blog post to document Monday’s mini tour to Bad Bellingen and back. I wanted to avoid cycling along the Rhine cos it is so monotonous and boring on the German side (done it before and found it boring). I started ok but somewhere between Märt and Efringen-Kirchen all bicycle path signs took me… Continue reading Bike tour Basel to Bad Bellingen and back
Bike tour to Kandern and back
From Basel about 17 km one way. Via Weil am Rhein, Binzen and Wollbach, along the railway tracks to Kandern. Easy ride. Wow, Google Maps now offers a bicycle option in its Get Directions menu. Though not for the route below. View Larger Map
Biker’s Rant
An intense heading for a small observation, while cycling home from work: I noticed that many drivers and other cyclists make a lot of assumptions. A sincere road traffic faith that everything will work out in the end. For instance, I signaled that I was planning to turn left, and pulled across the road to… Continue reading Biker’s Rant
Malawi cycle challenge accident
Here’s a blog entry on an accident that occurred in a Malawi biking event for charity. Stories on Malawi: Sarah injured in Malawi cycle challenge Source Get well soon, Sarah.