
As social media is becoming more mainstream, I find I am discussing various tools and voicing my opinion in many daily situations. Half-geek that I am, I have explored quite a few tools over the years. For instance I find myself explaining: Why I deleted my Xing and LinkedIn accounts. Why it’s not such a… Continue reading Connections

Categorized as General

The Five-Step Decision-Making Process

From my Cost Accounting textbook: Identify the problem and uncertainties Obtain information Make predictions about the future Make decisions by choosing among alternatives Implement the decision, evaluate performance, and learn straightforward…

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Broken WordPress Plugin Woes

Message from the admin: For a couple of days, the WordPress installation at Chiperoni was broken. The framework of the website was displaying but all content within a blog post or page had disappeared. I could see the content in the admin view. I finally found the culprit: version 1.01 of a plugin called Markdown… Continue reading Broken WordPress Plugin Woes

Reality Mining

Just confirming what I already knew. No need to fight against machine-readable passports with RFIDs (c.f. #biometrischer pass). Your regular cell phone (that’s without any fancy GPS functions) already provides all the data needed to track you wherever you go. c.f. this Namics presentation on Internet trends. Add some pattern matching with some other online… Continue reading Reality Mining

Categorized as tech

The internet is for everyone

Got to love the Internet. Nothing is too obscure. Videos of rain And a web page for non-twitterers… Tell the world why you don’t tweet: Buon weekend

Categorized as fun Tagged

Test, Test, 1, 2, 1, 2

Looks like my blog is back. Yay. Missed it. Especially in a time where I feel the return of the personal website is imminent. Recommended link of the week: Wordnik Can’t wait to try out the new WordPress…

Categorized as General

On Twitter

Excellent talk. Presenter Laura Fitton says good content is noticed and forwarded even if there are only a few followers. Another strength of Twitter is that it supports multi-interfaces and devices. Not limited to a browser.

Gaming the System

Recommended read via Mlle A.‘s Delicious bookmarks: How we killed social media And probably a reason why many companies that are latecomers to the social media circus will never understand, why everybody is was so excited. Instead of following the latest social media advertising trend, my advice is: Be yourself. Be your-crazy-self. If it means… Continue reading Gaming the System

Where are the business models for content?

News of dying newspapers and print magazines have been making the rounds. But also some well-established and respected blogs are closing, or struggling. Mlle A. of Handmade2.0 recently commented on a design blog’s call for donations: It’s not just print mags that face hardship. Meaning, blogs that started out with an unpaid version and that… Continue reading Where are the business models for content?

Categorized as marketing