Tulip snapshots for the boring flower set

Very boring. Wikipedia on tulips. Between 1634 and 1637, the enthusiasm for the new flowers triggered a speculative frenzy now known as the tulip mania. Tulip bulbs became so expensive that they were treated as a form of currency, or rather, as futures.

Ka-wuuuum, ka-crash!

And suddenly it’s March. Despite all my lofty plans to use Chiperoni as my tweet machine, I was feeding the corporate silo with links galore. Until I saw this. There’s an IndieWeb plugin to install. Need to install the indieweb plugin for wordpresssssss http://t.co/i5DZ63aqgt — ✁___CollectThisTweet (@nchenga) March 9, 2014 Tweet, tweet. Life is busy.… Continue reading Ka-wuuuum, ka-crash!

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Sunny snapshots

Sunday’s afternoon sun was special. Soft and golden. So beautiful. Here are some snapshots I captured with my Panasonic Lumix:

Categorized as basel, Photos

New hard disk added

Many thanks to ifixit and Blog IT Solutions for useful hints.

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Responsive web design and low and expensive bandwidth

Some time ago, the Malawi daily newspaper, The Nation, released a new web design. More recently Nyasa Times updated their web design. In both cases, it’s an improvement. And from my current home base here in Switzerland, both sites load promptly. From family in Malawi I hear that the loading times for both sites have… Continue reading Responsive web design and low and expensive bandwidth

Whistling postman

Yesterday, on my first bicycle commute to work in 2014, I heard a postman whistling Wind of Change very loudly, while distributing the mail from house to house. Made my day. So funny.

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Found via Ben Werdmuller’s retweet: I can’t imagine a more disruptive act than choosing to publish on your own website. Source: Adactio: Journal””In dependence.

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This made me smile

Twitter / Kansiime256: Oh Uganda, may God apooti. We lay awa fyucha in thy hands. United free together olwez sa. pic.twitter.com/aHlC1U83wJ — Kansiime Anne (@Kansiime256) December 29, 2013 c.f. Wikipedia

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