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Blogger Meetup in Basel in March 2005

Just got back from the Swiss Bloggers meetup in downtown Basel. It was fun sharing experiences and talking about tools and seeing the blogger “in person”. As Bamboozled had announced a couple of journalists came by asking questions about blogs, star bloggers… and the future development of blogs.

usability and rich web apps

Worries about rich web applications: I know I’m just one quiet voice in a storm, but if you are thinking of developing any kind of “rich” web application, please, please, embrace all the aspects of the web experience we all love so much rather than rejecting them for your own preferences and assumptions. Don’t make… Continue reading usability and rich web apps

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yet another quote…

I would rather endure the discomfort of adventure than the boredom of luxury.

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Even introverts influence other people. Sociologists tell us the most introverted of people will influence 10,000 others in an average lifetime. Wow. How many people might you influence, seeing that you actually want to make a difference in the lives of other people? source: paraphrase from one of John C. Maxwell’s books on leadership I… Continue reading influence

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If you’re in marketing…

Ten Reasons Why Blogging is Good For Your Career You have to get noticed to get promoted. You have to get noticed to get hired. It really impresses people when you say “Oh, I’ve written about that, just google for XXX and I’m on the top page” or “Oh, just google my name.” No matter… Continue reading If you’re in marketing…

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blogging from Lilongwe

Read Mike McKay’s blog on living in Lilongwe, the capital city of Malawi. update: The blog address has changed to http://www.vdomck.org/blog/

Homesite 4.5.1 and Windows XP

If you’re still using HomeSite 4.5.1 on XP and you’ve activated automatic updates, you can start looking for an alternative HTML editor. I am. Couple of days ago my HomeSite kept crashing, everytime I clicked the Design tab. Displaying the following error message: No such interface supported. A DHTML patch in one of the recent… Continue reading Homesite 4.5.1 and Windows XP

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First of March

A pinch and punch for the first day of the month. No returns.* I like March. It’s my favorite month of the year! * From my good old school days at Saints

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8 days a week

via Language Log: Some rural West African languages still use their traditional eight-day week.

sunday morning snow

grey, cold, and snowing… i started out on my bike but decided to change to Bus und Tram cos I couldn’t see much with the fine snow blowing into my face. Here are some snapshots of the Basel ferry:

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alternatives to InxMail?

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no further explanatory words required…. source: Africaspotter.at.tt

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spelling variants

easyJet has plastered the following ad all across Basel: my alternative spelling suggestions: fussball Team or even better: fussballTeam, in line with their company logo

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ridiculous press releases block the PR wire

Sitepoint on the “new thing” in search engine optimization. It looks like press releases to services like prweb.com are going to go the same way that comments to blogs went…

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some thoughts

Some of my regular readers may remember that a while back I used to regularly post links to news about Malawi. One of my initial blogging ideas was to be a news aggregator for interesting internet articles on Malawi. Nchenga’s low-budget approach to crossing the digital divide. In the past months – actually since I… Continue reading some thoughts

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