Here’s a simple example how you can publish your content on your
own site and syndicate elsewhere (POSSE):

I posted a
boring flower snapshot
into my self-hosted WordPress (WP)
blog.WP posted the entry to Twitter using WP plugins Hum and PublicizeOne of my Twitter followers
replied to my tweet.Using Webmention, the
tweet showed up in my WP comment moderation loop.After I approved
it, the tweet shows up as a comment in the corresponding WP entry.

As you can see, there are
some formatting issues
with the emoticons and the image link
isn’t displaying correctly.

And to begin with I had some other WP plugins interfering with
the Webmention plugin and no idea why it wasn’t working.

An umbrella of petals

”” ✁___CollectThisTweet (@nchenga) July
28, 2014

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