BTW, if you’re starting a blog – cos it’s an easy way to increase visibility… Have fun. Those times are long past. Way back in 2002 and 2003. Ask the bloggers behind Chiperoni and Handmade2.0.
And… even in 2003 it wasn’t as “easy” as some of the internet experts try to make it sound. Blogging requires time, energy, passion, expertise, creative writing skills and a good topic. Handmade 2.0 is the perfect example.
I have recently been re-reading some of Dave Winer’s warnings, regarding adding all your valuable data to the corporate micro-blogging silos aka Twitter, Facebook. In this post he explains why the silos are not open:
- the API is heavily regulated and always changing,
- and will become more narrow rather than opening up or expanding.
On the other hand if you put your data in, you can export your data if you decide to leave.
Your best option is zero lock-in. Static HTML and RSS.
We need independent, open, ad-free blogs.
Compare the Google Plus launch where apparently…
“they are only accepting people who have strong social graphs so that they can both make sure everyone has a good first experience as well as test out some of the technology before opening it up to a wider audience”
This is just like pre-blogging traditional media. The gatekeepers control who gets to see what first.
One of the reasons why I keep returning to my online playground is the fact that I love browsing through the notes and ideas and links and tools. I like my online scrap book of my years in Basel. It’s also a history of social media apps and software that I tried. Thoughts like today’s.
This Copyblogging article has some excellent tips how you can get some visibility. Bloggers treasure well-written, intelligent comments that contribute to a topic. Instead of lurking, add a comment why you enjoyed reading a blog post. Say thank you for useful content. Zurich blogger and social media consultant Su Franke has a list of ways you can say “thank you” to a blogger (in German).
Don’t just feed the data silo! Stay free.
In conclusion I want to point to this blog post that I think is true. It’s about the daily decisions that we face and that shape our lives. I worry about the big decisions in life, but the daily crossroads have an impact.
In Project World, on the other hand, every day offers a choice that could change things. Should you start a new project? Organize a conference? Open a new channel of social media? Quit something you’re doing right now to make time for something else?
It’s easy to get stressed and excited about the infrequent crossroads. It’s just as easy to ignore the daily opportunities you have to change everything.
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