Online Tutorials

list of useful online tutorials for sql, html, php, css at scriptygoddess

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The mitsubishi ad

One of the regular highlights of a Malawi visit is driving the Mitsubishi 4wd pick-up. It’s a solid vehicle, ideal for Malawi road conditions. And it’s fun to drive… But I did manage to lose grip in this ditch… YAMP…

Categorized as Photos

about returning to africa

The idea of returning is a dream that teases and torments many African expatriates.

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I’ve started playing around with the css… I’m very much in “playground mode”. Everything is in transition… And this process will take some time. Cos my day job also involves sitting in front of “The Great Monitor” for hours on end, I try to use my free time to recover from the side effects of… Continue reading css

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the last wave

saw Peter Weir’s “The Last Wave” at the Stadtkino yesterday evening.

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installing wp

Just decided to add my experience on installing WordPress… I set up the MySQL database, modified the wp-config.php as required, uploaded the files, and then triggered the installation. Well, all I saw was a long error message… it took me a while to find out but for some reason PHP wasn’t working. After this was… Continue reading installing wp

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