upgraded to wp 1.2.1
In addition, I’ve managed to find a solution to the escaping comment form problem in IE.
I replaced 100% by 400px in the css controlling the text area field:
#commentform textarea {
width: 400px;
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, sorry to late… the admin has fixed it! For IE and Opera, I hope, pray and believe. Still need to check it in Firefox. Going jogging now…
[update Oct 10] I’ve been changing the css settings and have started customizing some of the php files.
If something doesn’t work, please leave a comment below. Please let me know how the comment form behaves in your browser. Does the comment form still expand to infinity when you start typing?
BTW, we’ve got perfect chiperoni weather in Basel today! Constant drizzle and fog.
oh nooo…
what version of IE are you using?
what happens?
it seems to work ok with my settings…
test MSIE
I didn’t check the settings before, err…the form still escapes?
test from IE 6.0.28
test from Opera 7.54