The Use of a Blog

Today i found out how useful old blog postings can be. Wanted to remove some Moire patterns from a newspaper scan and i knew that I had posted an entry on my old blog site. I get to minimize Moire patterns once a year at the most… and I easily forget which filter gives the best results. These days most scanners have an option to remove Moire patterns automatically… this scanner didn’t.

Note to myself: your blog can be useful to store tidbits of information you don’t always need. Esp. if you regularly work on more than one computer. I find that no matter how much you organize yourself, the info you’re looking for is bound to be on your other computer. Plus: somebody else might find your notes helpful.

Maybe this may seem obvious to you and not worth an entry. But I believe one of today’s challenges is managing information. Who would have thought a couple of years back, that your email archive is a reason to get a larger hard disk and more back-up space? Just cos people are afraid to trash emails which might have some useful info. Or cos they require a fallback if other systems have failed.

My blog is a sort of online scrap book, where I collect links, develop ideas, make notes, display photos and publish my views. Nothing really important. But it’s nice to see it’s useful as well… It’s also a fun way to keep up-to-date with current web technology. I can see how a RSS feed could be useful to distribute the company press releases and news I write during my day job.

BTW, I wasn’t really planning to migrate my old blog entries to my new home… 😉


3 responses to “The Use of a Blog”

  1. nchenga Avatar

    my old blog is now defunct. I missed the warning emails that it would be deleted. And then it was gone… lost in deleted data space

  2. nchenga Avatar


  3. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    *scratchscratch* name one scanner that removed moiree patterns satisfyingly enough? 🙂 to me, it’s still manual over letting the machine do it, albeit some annoying piece of work.
    why not importing your old entries to here? so you can forget about bc…

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