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On the maximum saturation point: If a new blog is being created every second, it’s worth mentioning that one is being abandoned every 1.5 seconds.

well-intentioned, but…

stumbled across this well-intentioned attempt to increase the salary of Malawi’s health personnel in Joanne’s blog: Sometime last year DFID (the British development agency) decided to give money specifically to increase the salaries of nurses and clinicians, the thought being that this would help with retention of health workers. Unfortunately, the government decided that the… Continue reading well-intentioned, but…

Famous Blog Dogs

If you’re a bit like me, you’ve also contributed your part to the Internet’s dog and/or cat content. But there are some dogs out there with a really large fan base. Right at the top of the list are: Chuck of dooce.com Oliver and Hugo of textism.com


A nurse midwife writes about her work experience in Lilongwe – sad and heart-wrenching with glimpses of hope. I found a Quicktime movie about her work, but I can’t view it on my Windoze machine, even though I have the required Quicktime player. [update] The video now works but it’s on a slowish server.

Basel Blogger Meeting

A couple of Basel bloggers are meeting tomorrow evening at Restaurant Auf der Lyss. See Cybi’s post for details: Basler Blogger-Treff am Freitag 10. März

Blogger Meetup in Basel

If you’re a Basel blogger (or just travelling thru), there’s a meetup on December 15th at 18:30. For more details, see CyberWriter’s invitation Feel free to come along.

Blogger’s Block

some disorganized thoughts of the top of my head: How personal should a blog be? What is the use of keeping a blog? It’s exciting to be part of something new. Where will it all end? One thing is sure: the blog backlash is coming. Simply cos the current hype is building up. With advertising… Continue reading Blogger’s Block

Blogger Meetup in Basel in March 2005

Just got back from the Swiss Bloggers meetup in downtown Basel. It was fun sharing experiences and talking about tools and seeing the blogger “in person”. As Bamboozled had announced a couple of journalists came by asking questions about blogs, star bloggers… and the future development of blogs.