Blogger’s Block

some disorganized thoughts of the top of my head:

How personal should a blog be? What is the use of keeping a blog? It’s exciting to be part of something new. Where will it all end?
One thing is sure: the blog backlash is coming. Simply cos the current hype is building up. With advertising now available in RSS feeds. And many companies considering how they can jump on the bandwagon. To be honest: I’m getting somewhat tired of meta-blogging articles (she said, while writing about blogging herself). It reminds me of some of those meta-marketing theories which were popular in the Nineties.

The most exciting part of blogging is when it leads to real-life personal contacts. When online comments turn into face-to-face conversations.

Collaboration leads to innovation.

I don’t really have anything to say today. I don’t have any stunning content to offer. I’m just your average knowledge worker, huddled up in front of a laptop. I’m just blogging to overcome writer’s block.

At times I feel very empty. One big empty space. What am I living err… blogging for?

By the way, what was the first thing I asked when I arrived back in Basel? I got into the tram and asked the person sitting closest to me:
“ What was the weather like last week?”

[From my accent, the lady thought I was visiting… Well, no, actually I live here. ]

That’s so me… I’m genuinely interested in talking about the weather.

Markets are conversations. Here’s mine.

Anyway, I’ve got to move on and take care of some typical weekend tasks.


2 responses to “Blogger’s Block”

  1. nchenga Avatar

    yeah… “far better to say too little than too much”
    from “selling the invisible” by harry beckwith. A book i’m currently re-reading.

    but maybe blogging is esp. suited for knitting content..?

  2. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    Let me tune in to this blockade. I’ve got a paper to get going and all I manage is to think up rants over boring pointless blogs [who let the blog out? who! who-who!?], which of course I won’t publish…
    I remember your motto “far better to say too few than too much.” That’s a good classic.
    Yes, gapinvoid had a good say about blogging, too. Problem: gapinvoid readers already knew that.

    Ita as to the social aspect. Let me mention the “deja-vu” effect 😉 By the way – Schlossbeleuchtungsterminkalender is released!

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