Today’s link

Stumbled across this – very high-level but might be a useful reminder. Esp. the remark “life is short” in bullet no. 5. 1. Don’t worry about being perfect. There are never right or wrong answers to complex business decisions. The best that you can do as a leader is to gather all of the information… Continue reading Today’s link

Categorized as General

Impatient new-media pundits

Quote of the day: One of the things slowing tech uptake by the rest of society is that you new-media pundits get so impatient you have moved on to the next thing before we’ve had a chance to digest your last idea. via Scoble’s “Why I don’t use Google Reader anymore”

Categorized as General

Intro to SEO and SEM

I am faced with the challenge to explain SEO and SEM in a 1 hour presentation. The audience consists of business folks. Where to start explaining is the hard part. Also there are so many myths in this area – garnered by SEO vendors selling their services as a “Wunderwaffe” for instant web traffic success.… Continue reading Intro to SEO and SEM

UTF-8, Charsets and WordPress

It seems charset and UTF-8 issues are following me around. At the day job and here. I moved my blog from one install to the other. After importing the MySQL db, several characters were no longer displaying correctly. There are a number of plug-ins and descriptions: How to Convert Character Set and Collation of WordPress… Continue reading UTF-8, Charsets and WordPress