Tag: architect

  • Buildings to see in Basel

    I stumbled across a list of places to see in Basel (link now broken) and decided to venture out and have a look at some of the listed architecture.

    Freidorf Residential Estate (1920) by Hannes Meyer in Muttenz near Basel

    Freidorf / Muttenz
    See the full album

    Antoniuskirche (1927), near Kannenfeldplatz, Basel by Karl Moser

    I really like this church building. It feels very modern. The stained glass windows are exceptional. Highly recommended. More background info is available at Wikipedia.

    My snapshots of Antonious-Kirche

    Kraftwerk Birsfelden / Power Station (1955) by Hans Hoffmann in Birsfelden near Basel

    kraftwerk birsfelden

    St. Alban-Tal Housing (1984 to 88) by Diener & Diener at St. Alban-Rheinweg 94 in Basel


    Schaulager (2003) by Herzog and de Meuron in Münchenstein near Basel


    Breite Zentrum (2004), Zürcherstr. 149, 4052 Basel
    The Breite Hotel was designed by Larghi and Stula. More details on the design can be found on the hotel’s website. The hotel manager was very friendly and would have shown me a room. Unfortunately all rooms were taken due to the watch and jewellery trade fair.

    das breite hotel

    Residential Housing in a former factory (2005) by Buol and Zünd at Oetlingerstrasse 69 in Basel
    This building proved difficult to find as the former factory is located behind an apartment building in Klein-Basel withia an inner courtyard. But it is an instant fave. I would love to live in a building like this. Well worth the search time…

    oetlingerstr 69

    Apartment House in Riehen (2009) by Pedrocchi Meier Architekten at Hinterwenkenweg 3 in Riehen near Basel
    I am not such a fan of all the corners but it does look very spacious and the location is great:

    Pedrocchi and Meier3

    School cafeteria by HHF

    Gymnasium Kirschgarten
    Hermann Kinkelin-Strasse 10
    4051 Basel

    architecture in basel

    Further details:
    The city of Basel publishes this architectural guide.

    Update: new building to see in Allschwil: the corporate headquarters of Actelion by Herzog and de Meuron:

    actelion designed by herzog and de meuron

    Update no. 2:
    Another building to see is Ackermannshof:

    photo walk in basel

    HdM: Basel is Herzog and de Meuron City.

    herzog & de meuron

    Central signal box

    Südpark by Herzog and de Meuron.

    südpark basel
    messe basel

    Messe Basel

    Herzog and de Meuron archive and apartment building, Dreispitz

    HdM archive and apartment building in Basel-Dreispitz

    Another HdM construction in Basel-Stadt is the natural water swimming pool in Riehen. I really like the pool and it reminds me of old wooden lidos.

    the view from the deck

    New in 2016: Kunstmuseum by Gantenbein and Christ.

    new building in basel

    And at night: Looks like there are LED lights in the walls. The museum opened in April 2016.

    new building in basel

    And another view of the new wing of Kunstmuseum by Gantenbein and Christ:


    Opening in 2019: Meret Oppenheim building by Herzog and de Meuron.

    new building in basel
    new building in basel

    Baloise Park:

    baloise park