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what is the meaning of the african word chiperoni
See “What is Chiperoni?”.
Found this phrase in web stats:
what is the meaning of the african word chiperoni
See “What is Chiperoni?”.
If you’re from Blantyre, you are familiar with this word.
Here’s an official definition by the meteorological department:
Chiperoni: Malawian name for influx of cool moist air from the south east, bringing overcast conditions with drizzle on windward slopes along the Northern lakeshore and in particular to many areas in the South of Malawi. This phenomenon can persist for up to a week but the usual duration is two to three days.
Source: Malawi Meteorological Services
There’s a mountain in Mocambique called Chiperoni or sometimes spelled Chiperone. When the winds blow the clouds over this mountain, the Shire Highlands get chiperoni weather.
Sometimes chiperoni forces a change in travel plans. The constant drizzle can turn gravel roads into a soap-like mud adventure.
It’s also used as a brand name. There used to be a blanket factory in Thyolo called Chiperoni. The factory has closed down or moved but the brand name still exists. (update 28.05.07: it seems they are still producing Chiperoni blankets).
Chiperoni is one of my favorite words. I like the sound of it. Chiperoni could also be a spicy chili snack or the name of a hot, new, hi-tech gadget. From Chip + Peperoni.
For now, it’s the new home of my Malawi blog.
I saw this sign advertising “Chiperoni blankets” in Blantyre.