Last Friday I ran 6.5 km at the annual Firmenlauf. Quite a party with over 3700 participants. Took 6 minutes before I crossed the starting line ‘cos of the huge crowd of runners and walkers. Wow. Quite impressive.
I ran slowly and steadily from start to finish. Proud to say I didn’t stop running even though my innermost really wanted to stop.
I think I like taking part in races. (How do you say “Volkslauf” in English? It’s difficult to translate). It gives me a measurable goal to train for.
Next seasonal goal is to participate in a 10 km run. I thought the Birsegg run would fit in nicely at the end of August. Or maybe the 10 km version on Basel Marathon day on 28th September?
I’ve been googling training plans. Things I’ve read:
I’ll need to train longer. 60 mins to 90 mins.
Means more commitment. Sometimes just getting out the door is so hard.
Short 10 minute runs are better than skipping a run.
Include longer, slow runs.
Cycling is good. Swimming and aqua jogging is good ‘cos there’s no impact.
I’ve been thinking about goals and systems. The system in this particular scenario is to get out and run regularly. Even if it’s a short jog before work.
Even though I’ve run 10 km before, I might start a jog log here or on Twitter just to keep track. Writing helps. And ‘cos all the personal blogs about everyday life are gone.