Draft status

Fun event: Finish your %#&*@ blog posts. at Citizen Space (Thursday, October 18, 2007) I’ve started deleting blog post drafts, that have been lingering in draft status for over a year…

Categorized as blogging

Weekend ahead

Autumn-like weather and a bad cold, but it’s still a Friday! And just for the record, I don’t mind fast forwarding to spring. More search phrases – but not really a surprise to me given the quality of content here at Chiperoni.ch 😉 : Dilbert project tracking – points to an old blog post on… Continue reading Weekend ahead

Categorized as blogging

Not new

At Lift 07 there was a panel on technological overload. The video of the panel is available here. Update: Since Google Video is no more, the video can be viewed on Vimeo Panel Discussion:Dealing with technological overload (Lift07 EN) from Lift Conference on Vimeo. Fellow blogger Mlle. A. pointed out that this kind of discussion… Continue reading Not new

Blogging fatigue

In case you haven’t heard: There seems to be an outbreak of blogging fatigue Is it similar to battle fatigue?

Categorized as blogging, CDs

nchenga’s Web 2.0 roundup: Links and comments

How many online services did you sign up for, use once or twice, and then never return again? In my case, that would be lots of ’em. Some of them are really popular services like Digg or Mister Wong, where I just haven’t found a personal use case, or I’ve got a substitute or workaround.… Continue reading nchenga’s Web 2.0 roundup: Links and comments

Benefits of Blogging

I like this summary on the Benefits of Blogging Meet and greet Self documenting Self promoting (if you want to, that is) Mentoring Education Giving back (I would say: sharing) There’s also the side-effect that when I write about a topic it helps me to reflect more on a topic and organize my thoughts.


I attended today’s BlogCamp in Zurich; a so-called unConference because it organizes itself like BarCamp. But heh, we’re in Switzerland so it was fairly well organized. I saw a couple of familiar faces. Maybe I should get a t-shirt saying “Blog conference tourist”… And I invited some of the Basel bloggers to the upcoming Basel… Continue reading BlogCampSwitzerland

text snippet

On the maximum saturation point: If a new blog is being created every second, it’s worth mentioning that one is being abandoned every 1.5 seconds.

get moving

I agree with this gapingvoid post: “So forget about blogs and bloggers and blogging and focus on this — the cost and difficulty of publishing absolutely anything, by anyone, into a global medium, just got a whole lot lower. And the effects of that increased pool of potential producers is going to be vast.” Publishing… Continue reading get moving

Famous Blog Dogs

If you’re a bit like me, you’ve also contributed your part to the Internet’s dog and/or cat content. But there are some dogs out there with a really large fan base. Right at the top of the list are: Chuck of dooce.com Oliver and Hugo of textism.com

blonk… blonk…

Blonking along? Apparently this is what it means… To blog without notable creativity, inspiration or merit; covering the same ground trod by countless others in the echo chamber; blogging as an alternative to thinking. “I was going to write a considered piece about climate change in sub-Saharan Africa, but I’ve just been blonking pictures of… Continue reading blonk… blonk…