I saw this Bufferapp article on declining social media traffic.
We’ve lost nearly half our social referral traffic in the last year
I say. No wonder. Everybody is online, creating tonnes of content. Most people are too busy to read, let alone follow so many data streams.
Many web pages don’t get any traffic at all. A few sites get all the traffic.
Interesting read. I recommend reading it.
My tip: don’t share or comment on articles that you haven’t read. Even bots can do that. Be human.
And. If you do like an article? Comment, share and write a blog post on it.
If you’re on Facebook and want to see better content, I recommend following Robert Scoble’s advice. The filtering is improving. And this week’s announcement on Facebook Search means we may have a viable alternative to Google Search. At some point in the future.
“It turns out a ton of things that people share socially on the Web, they don't read at all.” http://t.co/Qmbv259oex –> read b4 sharing!
— âœ___CollectThisTweet (@nchenga) October 3, 2015
Lucky chiperoni.ch. It doesn’t need to grow traffic.
Have a look at my photos on Flickr.
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