How I used to listen to music

Nostalgic moment for the 90s: Jimmy Cliff playing on the radio… reminded me of the time in my life when I used to borrow music CDs from the local library during my student years. It gave me access to the entire album, not just the hit singles. And it didn’t drain a student’s budget.

And I was able to explore lots of different kinds of music.

Before that, in Malawi, my main source of music was MBC radio, some international radio stations such as Deutsche Welle and the BBC, and school friends.

My mom will tell you that she doesn’t listen to music. But I have fond memories of MBC radio playing at full blast.

I’ve changed in my music listening habits. We all have. Now we’re all over Youtube and Spotify and iTunes and Soundcloud. Despite all the cool music gadgets that I own, I’m not buying, compiling or storing my favourite music. My main music gadget is my MacBook. And I’ve forgotten what listening to an album is like.

I still listen to a lot of radio music. Especially on the weekends.


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