My running plans experienced a setback earlier this week. I had to pause for a couple of days due to a sore throat and feeling feverish. But I’m feeling much better and I went for a slow run today. It went well.
Yesterday I bought some jogging socks for my brand-new running shoes. BTW, if you’re selling running shoes, it really helps if your staff is enthusiastic. The sales staff offered good advice on how to train and knew running groups in the area.
Earlier I read this Spiegel article on Christian Hottas, who has run over 2000 marathons.
(…) es geht um den Spaß an der Bewegung, nicht darum, einen Marathon zu laufen. Ich ermutige jeden, so viel zu laufen, wie er kann und mag. Laufanfänger, die in meine Praxis kommen, unterstütze ich aber gerne. Leistung ist immer subjektiv.
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