I recommended reading this article:
Success theater is boring. Directly related to the increasing lack of privacy. All the world’s a stage.
Social media featuritis is part of a never-ending cycle. Ironically the author mentions new tools (Snapchat, VidBurn and Facebook Poke) to replace the broadcast tools.
Keep calm.
Don’t join the rat race.
Use social media in good measure and in a personable way.
Create rather than consume.
Consider your true motive. Cost and benefit.
BTW, I’ve read some predictions about a blogging comeback in 2013. Experts predict that the author tag will get a higher Google rank.
Due to Google Panda and Penguin, everybody is talking about the need for high-quality content.
The reality is it will be extremely difficult for middle-of-the-road online writers to gain any kind of traffic. Compared to 2003 and 2004, the ocean of data has increased exponentially. Gone are the days where a private blog entry google-bombed its way into the top SERPs. I am not saying it isn’t possible. But it takes strategy, resources, commitment, personal drive, writing skills and some SEO expertise. And most of us with a day job, hobbies, and a long to-do list will no longer be part of the top Google rankings. At least with the current setup.
Here is an interesting slide deck on how social media will develop in 2013:
I wonder where “social everything” and “mobile everything” will take us.
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