This post has made me very curious. They use a different stack:
Jekyll for page templates and static file generation
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files
GitHub Pages static HTTP server
Supplemented with external APIs where necessary
I guess, you can convert WordPress to static HTML. I found this description.
Looking a little further, there’s this setup using Really Static.
Why static HTML? HTML is secure and faster.
Speed: Any web server, will serve html files a lot faster than PHP generated files.
Security: If you are serving just static files, there is no way to hack your site.
Here’s a thread on the same at Quora
And using the WordPress static output plugin
Nice to know I could offer a flat static HTML version of this site.
I will have a longer look at Jekyll.
BTW, one year ago I tweeted about something similar:
“Your best option is zero lock-in. Static HTML and RSS.”
— âœ___CollectThisTweet (@nchenga) July 13, 2011
Any experience? Opinions? Further resources to look at?
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