Drip by drip

For future reference:

Marketing is never about a hammer hitting plate glass.

It is almost always about the accrued power of a thousand drips, drips that accrue, drop by drop until they overwhelm the status quo and break through, starting a flood.

The first drip is very exciting, of course. Everyone lines up to cheer.

It’s the last drip that’s lonely. Most of the time, everyone has long left the building, lost interest and moved on to celebrate some other first drip. The penultimate drip gets criticized… are you still working on that?… that’s not so great… is that it?… but then, the drip that comes next, the last drip, proves once and for all that you were doing the right thing all along.

I could write a long blog post on this.

I could sing a reggae song that has the same message.


2 responses to “Drip by drip”

  1. mlle a. Avatar

    Can we vote on this, please? I vote…. I vote… yes, I vote for the blog post.


    Wait. I might have been a bit too fast. Can I still change my vote? I’d like to go for da Reggae song. Please.



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