BBC on Fish Farming in Zomba

Recommended reading:

BBC’s James Morgan on fish farming in rural areas of Zomba district, Malawi.

It’s a perfect circle. “Or what we call an integrated agriculture-aquaculture (IAA) system,” says Joseph Nagoli, of WorldFish. “This isn’t high input fish farming. This is simple and sustainable.”


2 responses to “BBC on Fish Farming in Zomba”

  1. nchenga Avatar

    via WordPress stats, I saw this question:
    what kind of fish is farmed in zomba plateau?

    Another exotic fish species cultured is the rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss which is still produced on the Zomba Plateau, in some parts of Mulanje and in the rivers around Nyika.

  2. John Duffell Avatar

    Crazy! I actually know some of the people from this article – the fish ponds shown are about a 40-minute walk from my house.

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