Breakfast talk

This Newsweek column on Barack Obama made me wonder how high the chances are that he’ll be elected by mainstream America.

Questions like “Is Obama a Muslim?” are already part of the debate. But apart from his religious affiliation, does he really stand a chance?

  • Kenyan father
  • Indonesian stepfather
  • foreign name
  • growing up in Indonesia

Another recurring question is
“Who has the better qualifications to lead the world’s only superpower?”

Besides his formal qualifications, Obama argues that his personal history will help understand foreign affairs.

I agree with the Newsweek columnist that living outside of Europe and North America changes perspectives and helps to see things from different angles. The author lists examples such as Zalmay Khalizad and Henry Kissinger.

Whatever the outcome, it will be interesting to follow Obama’s campaign.


One response to “Breakfast talk”

  1. randy onwuakor Avatar
    randy onwuakor

    I don’t see the reason why people keep asking obama if he is a muslim.this this young man have many times,tell every one that he is not a muslim and I belive him he explain it to the media and to the country and still people keep asking the same quation.some people who have a pregidice feeling about a person of color to be president and are not ready to vote for any one will always bring up this issue.obama have been investigated by many people to see if the can find some dirt.USA is FOR OBAMA 08!

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