Running Update

I’m kind of busy at my day job and I didn’t get around to post my regular weekend post. So here’s a short blog post to say hi.

And btw – about 20 years after everybody else – I’m discovering Twitter: Call it pseudo-blogging for busy knowledge workers. Or a quick way to communicate my jogging achievements.

So far Autumn 07 has been great for jogging. The dry, fresh weather is just right. I’ve been running regularly in a running club (the corresponding German word is Laufverein) since last summer and I can wholeheartedly recommend it. I’m still a slow coach, and don’t have any marathon plans (gory details how toe nails come loose and fall off are enough to scare me off 😉 )

after running

A couple of running tips of the top of my head:

  1. Start slowly but be persistent. If you’re just starting out this means 1 minute running, 1 minute walking for about 1 hour. Extend the running period slowly from week to week. I’ve been part of several beginner groups in the past year and some people start off much too fast.
  2. The bad news for our instant gratification generation: you need to run at least twice a week for at least four to six weeks to see any improvement.
  3. Get some good running shoes. Don’t worry so much about the clothes. The functional shirts and running tights will somehow find their own way into your wardrobe. Plus running is a good place to wear all of those over-sized IT conference t-shirts.
  4. There is a phenomenon within our running club that I can’t quite understand yet. When it comes to forming running groups, there’s usually two groups: a fast one and a slow one. And about two to five people that don’t want to go along with the fast guys, don’t want to form their own middle-fast group, and end up running with the slow coaches (MY group). Inadvertently making the slow group faster. Too fast for the newbies. Instead of feeling discouraged by the middle-fast guys, keep going at your own pace. Be self-confident. Know your true performance level. Say what you want loud and clearly. For example, tell the middle-fast guys to form their own group or live with the slower pace.


2 responses to “Running Update”

  1. nchenga Avatar


    i have a normal foot 😉
    I’ve had good experience with New Balance, Reebok and Asics.

    Regarding shoes for narrow feet, have you tried Nikes?

    I’d try and find a sports shop that specializes in running equipment.

    Then take your current pair of shoes, and ask what kind of shoe they’d recommend for your feet orthotics.

    A good shop will ask you to run on a tread mill and analyze the movement of your foot.

    Cos if your joints hurt, it might be your shoes…

    I tend to get a pair of shoes when I’m in the USA cos they offer shoes in varying width (not as common in Europe).

  2. Leah Guren Avatar

    Oi, am I jealous! Gone are the days when I can run even a 5K without major joint pain. I do a slow, geriatric jog of a very hilly 3K loop, and that’s it for me. Ow, ow, ow! As for shoes, any runners out there with VERY narrow feet and orthotics? I would love to hear your recommendations for a light-weight road shoe with a straight last, motion control, and AA width…

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