Too much

I don’t usually write about politics, but this poster campaign crosses a line. In my humble opinion it’s racist and backward.

I don’t understand why so many Swiss people are ignoring it. Some say it’s just the usual pre-election noise.

As suggested here, I’m going to send back all of the brochures clogging up my mailbox.

See also this BBC article


One response to “Too much”

  1. mlle a. Avatar
    mlle a.

    This is really “würg”. Die Kommentarecke beim Obwaldner hat auch prompt einige Rechtsabbieger angelockt. Doppelt “würg”.

    This graphic is racist. But what’s to be expected from a party that doesn’t want to acknoledge and comply with the UN Convention against Racism?

    Last year in December I found pamphlets by the “Christliche Mitte” in our mailbox. Theirs is about the most racist, bigot and fascist attitude cloaked in the hood of Christian faith that I’ve come across. Their pamphlets were against Muslim citizens, against Homosexuals (“it’s a desease, but it’s curable by devout worship”) and against alternative/holistic healing methods such as homeopathy (“homeopathy is Götzendienst”). With their foul propaganda they’re actually breaking their own 8th commandment, but apparently they don’t care much about this non-logic.

    They received all their crap, each pamphlet separately, in an oversize envelope that cost them 2,20 Eur each.

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