At Lift 07 there was a panel on technological overload. The video of the panel is available here.
Update: Since Google Video is no more, the video can be viewed on Vimeo
Panel Discussion:Dealing with technological overload (Lift07 EN) from Lift Conference on Vimeo.
Fellow blogger Mlle. A. pointed out that this kind of discussion isn’t new.
A couple of days ago she sent in an article by Ann Blair on “Reading Strategies for Coping with Information Overload ca. 1550-1700” published in 2003 in the Journal of the History of Ideas.
As more and more books were published, academics worried about keeping up: they discussed the effects of reading manuals and encyclopedias or reading “only in parts”. And discussed strategies to classify information, added indexes and used cut and paste to arrange the information they received.
Blogging isn’t new either:
“Reading is useless, vain and silly when no writing is involved, unless you are reading (devotionally) Thomas a Kempis or some such. Although I would not want even that kind of reading to be devoid of all note taking.”
Interesting stuff.
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