CVS and CVL and others

Here are some quick notes on installing a CVS client on my MacBook (for my own future reference):

  1. Install CVS, if you haven’t done so already. It’s part of the Apple developer tools on Mac OS X Install Disc 1 called XcodeTools. To test if it’s installed, open Terminal and type cvs to get a typical Unix app welcome screen.
  2. Install a GUI for CVS. I’m trying out CVL which is available for download here.
  3. Select Tools > Repositories. Click New… and add your CVS repository details.
  4. Click Modules to see all CVS modules available to you.
  5. Click Checkout… to get a local copy of the CVS files.

ਠvoila. A console window shows the files being checked out to your hard disk. Work Area shows you an overview of the new or modified files.

First impression: It’s more like WinCVS and less like TortoiseCVS.

Disclaimer: I’m a low and humble content developer and use CVS and Subversion for versioning at my day job. If I get something very wrong or if you have useful tips, please leave a comment. I’m moving from Windows to Mac and documenting my experience.

Regarding version control:
I used an older version of Visual Sourcesafe a couple of years ago and IMHO, CVS and Subversion are easier to use once you’ve got past the install hurdle. Subversion’s next on my install list.

SSH is pre-installed on the Mac: Open Terminal and type ssh followed by your username@hostname.

As you can see I’m having a lot of fun.

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