Corporate Blogging Experience

What others are saying about corporate blogging

I like this:

Actions always prove louder than words. Lead by example. Give people something to aspire to but don’t make it so daunting that they will be easily discouraged.

This holds true for a lot of other things as well, not just blogging…

Apparently the number of blogs is peaking and the hype is starting to move on. Meno male. I’ve always had hype antibodies. On the other hand, I’m not a sceptical late adopter either…

Blogging isn’t easy. It’s time-consuming. And results will not be immediate. But it’s a good way for small and medium-sized companies to bypass the media gatekeepers and spread their message faster. The publishing world has changed / is changing.

Another useful article I found (while writing and editing this post) is Quick Tips on Corporate Blogging:

  • Designate an editor.
  • Don’t be too precious about it, but do have a purpose.
  • Content is king.
  • Develop a content engine.
  • Have an editorial policy.
  • Experiment, learn, and evolve.
  • Make it a core part of your marketing strategy.
  • Be patient and watch your audience grow.


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