I’ve been reading thru various WordCamp 2007 posts. And I’ve found quite a number of useful tips. This evening I quickly skipped thru Lorelle’s slides:
with lots of very useful advice how to build content.
Just a couple of thoughts to carry on the conversation:
I agree that you should spend extra time to write better posts. But don’t be shy to hit the Publish button at an early stage either. Participate.
Experiment, learn, and evolve.
It’s kind of an ongoing process.
I tend to post a high percentage of very short blog entries: tumblr-like. Just an introductory text and a link. Or a block-quote. Or a photo. Or a video. Fragments of captured attention. Yet I’ve found that in time seemingly stranded-looking posts fall into place in a larger context. Cos I can embed them in a larger text.
I think the main point is to be authentic. But don’t publish every single personal detail.
If you are blogging for yourself, it’s perfectly acceptable to go ahead and write the 1 860 001st entry on how to install WordPress, especially if it helps to learn. You won’t get any traffic. But if you’re a little bit like me, writing about a topic will help to understand and reflect. And you’ve got notes and links you can refer to later. BTW, other how-tos on other issues will get you lots of hits.
That said I’ve got a couple of trivial CSS and JavaScript and WordPress posts lined up…. 😉