Exploring economies

I found this site via Development Gateway. It compares economies and offers rankings to quantify how easy it is to set up or shut down a business: Doing Business in Malawi

MacBook salad

I’ve decided to move to Mac… and I’ve been asking other Mac users for tips regarding software. And the list is long. Photo credit

Authentic content

I’ve been reading thru various WordCamp 2007 posts. And I’ve found quite a number of useful tips. This evening I quickly skipped thru Lorelle’s slides: with lots of very useful advice how to build content. Just a couple of thoughts to carry on the conversation: I agree that you should spend extra time to write… Continue reading Authentic content

Bike to work

for the record: Wer mit dem Velo zur Arbeit fahre, sei leistungsfähiger, weniger krank und schone erst noch die Umwelt, hält die IG Velo fest.

The African Cookbook Project

just read about the African Cookbook Project. You can submit your favourite African recipe at: questions (at) betumi.com. Off the top of my head and based on the recipes I’ve published here at Chiperoni.ch, I would say banana bread. I’m sending an email to Blantyre to ask my mom…

Mozilla Thunderbird plugins

I installed Sunbird and Sugarbird (aka Asertiva Extension for Sugar CRM) for Thunderbird. Even though I’ll probably need to go thru the process again in a couple of weeks.

Categorized as tech

Postcard from Basel

Print it out and send it home: I took a couple of spontaneous snapshots in St.Alban. Mostly stuff I see when I go running along the riverbanks. Like this graffiti. Or this analog sms. BTW, you can see my recent Flickr pics on black.

DSLR fun

Listening in to several videos on DSLRs and lenses… Nikkor DX lens tour: Nikon D80: Canon EOS 400D: buon weekend, nchenga

Categorized as Photos, tech


Freaky-flash.de is an old favorite site of mine, which I found about 5 or 6 years ago. Nice to see that some things last. Here’s a fave. Turn up the volume and move the mouse over the birds.

Categorized as fun


Via this Flickr comment I heard that there’s a Sakku competition for bloggers… I already blogged about Sakku bags some time ago. And I would love to win a bag. As a knowledge worker and digital nomad, I believe I’m the right candidate 🙂 I’ll write a review. Take photos. And test the solar cells… Continue reading sakku.worker

Who participates?

Stumbled across this Businessweek chart on what people are doing online: via Lift Lab.

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Kitchen 2.0

Cool idea: Laurent Haug’s grandmother will cook for you

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Twittering Retro Style

I’d just like to check in and report that the Neighborhood Information System (NIS) is working great here… This morning I had a small note pegged to my bike’s brake wires, asking me if my neighbor could borrow my 2nd bicycle for a visiting family member. No need for Twitter, Jaiku, Facebook et al…. Total… Continue reading Twittering Retro Style

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teddy bears

Inside-out fun. Reminds me of cotton monsters.

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Recent cultural activities

Saw the play “Angst” at Theater Basel. It’s a kind of like a mashup with glimpses of 3 separate households on one stage, which then interweave towards the end. Entertaining. But it is not really deep or philosophical or thought-provoking. Covers all types of fear… Saw the movie “The Namesake”. Sad and moving. Great mood.… Continue reading Recent cultural activities

Laptop choices…

Just 4 months after the motherboard was replaced in my workplace laptop: end of life. I couldn’t start up my laptop yesterday morning. The 3 year service guarantee has expired. Which means I get to order a new one. The choices: It’s Dell or MacBookPro with Parallels.

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