WordPress 2.2 tip: Press It bookmarklet

If you’ve upgraded to 2.2, don’t forget to update your Press It bookmarklet as well. I kept getting an undefined function in
wordpress/wp-admin/edit-form.php on line 35
error. Until I remembered that this might be related to the new version I installed a couple of days ago.

Here’s what you need to do:
Delete the old bookmarklet and then navigate to the WordPress dashboard at Write > Write Post. Scroll down to the section marked WordPress Bookmarklet and add the new one.

E voilà : the Press It – chiperoni.ch button in my Firefox toolbar works again…

More on WordPress bookmarklets.

And while I’m writing about the upgrade, there’s one other cool feature that I’m sure many will appreciate immensely, which was introduced in version 2.1:

  • WordPress autosaves posts while you write.

BTW, we’ve got chiperoni weather in Basel today!


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