Fare il ponte

Long weekend: It’s the Swiss national day on Tuesday and I’m taking Monday off. I haven’t decided what I’ll do yet… for suggestions, leave a comment below 😉

Here are a couple of links that have been lingering in draft status:

  • Top 10 Things They Never Taught Me in Design School – IMHO you can take this and apply it to other work situations as well.
  • and then there’s Kathy’s posting on How to be an expert – and heh, it’s not too late to become an expert. If you strive to learn, you create new brain cells at virtually any age…

experts cross the kickass threshold

I’ve found that if you commit yourself to doing a task regularly and keep working on it, even really boring topics become fun and interesting once you cross a certain threshold. Even if the time slots are tiny to begin with. Never ever give up!

Mlle. A reminded me that today is sysadmin day. Yeah, that’s the guy that deletes your entire site to move you to a “better” server. Thank you so much!

Cool air is seeping in thru the open window… looks like the warm weather is taking a break. We’ve had a warm July here in Basel, apparently the warmest since the meteorologists started storing relevant data. I’ve been spending a lot of time at the Badi and enjoying the African temperatures.


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