experimenting with WordPress plugins

yesterday evening I started playing around with some WordPress plugins I’d found.

I made a small code change in wp-config.php. Everything was working fine… I thought. But this morning I got this error message (please skip the next paragraph if you’re a wp/PHP geek, you’re probably going to throw your hands up in utter exasperation and unsubscribe from my RSS feed for ever and ever and ever):

Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/chiperon/public_html/wordpress/wp-config.php:65) in /home/chiperon/public_html/wordpress/wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 247″

Turns out that the editor I was using added a couple of empty lines to the end of the file; quickly resolved with the help of the WordPress Codex.

So far I haven’t been using many WordPress plugins. SlimStats looks promising. But why add more stats if I already have Webalizer and co? So far the top benefit is that I can see the stats directly from the wp admin panel… saves me 2 to 3 clicks!


This Day displays old postings I’ve made on the same day in previous years. That’s a bit of a lottery for my readers… ‘cos the old postings will only be visible on days where I’ve posted something in the past.

I’ve started reading the book “Eats, Shoots and Leaves” and, I think, my continuous use of “…” would be listed as an example of bad, bad punctuation!


2 responses to “experimenting with WordPress plugins”

  1. nchenga Avatar

    hehe 😉
    and you’ve got a point there. There’s tonnes of WordPress plugins/themes out there… it’s incredible how WordPress has grown over the past year.

    But I’m a real fan and have recommended the software to a lot of people….

  2. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    How do I tell I am a complete WP ignorant? I think “WP blogging – a plugin for the plugin of the plugin of the plugin…..” :/

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