Buying a New Laptop

I’m planning to purchase a notebook in the very near future. It should: work flawlessly with Ubuntu be mobile and quiet (not to heavy and big) work with many applications at one time in GNOME / KDE with reasonable performance, i.e. mostly Web, email, Open Office, programming, DVD, music, (no gaming) cost around 1500 CHF… Continue reading Buying a New Laptop

looks useful: Cheap flights – low cost and budget airline specialist esp. the Month View which shows you the cheapest fare.

Categorized as General

Help Save the German Language

Adopt a German word for 5 Euro: Apparently the German language needs your help: …Werden Sie Wortpate! Beschützen Sie ein deutsches Wort und übernehmen Sie dafür die Verantwortung: Entwickeln Sie das Wort weiter, pflegen Sie es, hüten Sie es vor MiàŸbrauch oder Verdrängung! Schreiben Sie Gedichte mit Ihrem Wort, tauschen Sie sich aus mit… Continue reading Help Save the German Language

Advanced User Guide for Flickr

useful: Flickr Advanced User Guide includes useful tips such as how to specify the photo privacy level when uploading imgs per email: e.g. – Visible to friends – Visible to family – Visible to friends and family – Only visible to you further tips:

enjoyable Sunday afternoon

After a late lunch at Lily’s with friends from Bern, we went to see Vitus. A beautiful and poetic movie starring Bruno Ganz.

calendaring tool

a new online calendaring tool is making the blog rounds: I’ve just signed up to test it a little…

rss to pdf

very useful: convert RSS feeds to pdfs at: via

Categorized as General