Mark your calendars. There’s a blogger BBQ planned for July 24 in Konolfingen near Bern.
See Blogger-Bräteln 2005 for all relevant details.
Mark your calendars. There’s a blogger BBQ planned for July 24 in Konolfingen near Bern.
See Blogger-Bräteln 2005 for all relevant details.
Late reply but here’s my 2 cents:
Looks like adding -et or -t to a base word is a productive word formation rule. There’s also Schwinget (= Schwingfest, a traditional Swiss sports tournament that looks a bit like wrestling), which is a noun.
Teilet is a noun, then? I thought it was a verb and the appropriate derivation?
[sorry, but looks like C. is caught between 1,5 linguists 😉 ]
Teilet is some sort of… well… original Swiss word, free from any grammatical convention.
Hey nchenga, I didn’t get your inscription yet…
i dunno about *official translation* but it kind of means the same.
oh…so Teilet is actually a verb. and either this or währschafte is in wrong size, then [EWST, or ewst…or none of them]? got it.
Ah, is that the official translation?
it’s Swiss for BYO (bring your own)
“eine währschafte Schweizer Teilet”
Wiee bidde???
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