Blogger BBQ

Mark your calendars. There’s a blogger BBQ planned for July 24 in Konolfingen near Bern.

See Blogger-Bräteln 2005 for all relevant details.


8 responses to “Blogger BBQ”

  1. nchenga Avatar

    Late reply but here’s my 2 cents:

    Looks like adding -et or -t to a base word is a productive word formation rule. There’s also Schwinget (= Schwingfest, a traditional Swiss sports tournament that looks a bit like wrestling), which is a noun.

  2. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    Teilet is a noun, then? I thought it was a verb and the appropriate derivation?
    [sorry, but looks like C. is caught between 1,5 linguists 😉 ]

  3. christian Avatar

    Teilet is some sort of… well… original Swiss word, free from any grammatical convention.

    Hey nchenga, I didn’t get your inscription yet…

  4. nchenga Avatar

    i dunno about *official translation* but it kind of means the same.

  5. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    oh…so Teilet is actually a verb. and either this or währschafte is in wrong size, then [EWST, or ewst…or none of them]? got it.

  6. christian Avatar

    Ah, is that the official translation?

  7. nchenga Avatar

    it’s Swiss for BYO (bring your own)

  8. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    “eine währschafte Schweizer Teilet”

    Wiee bidde???

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