How Java saved Africa

stumbled across this report from the JavaOne conf a couple of seconds ago:

But did Nokia’s decision a decade ago to adopt Java technology just force Pres. Bush change his mind about the amount of U.S. aid to Africa?

Here’s Gage’s tale, presented at Sun’s JavaOne developer conference Wednesday: Social cause fighter and rocker Bono, of the band U2, has so far coaxed thousands of concertgoers to cell phone text message the White House about increasing aid to Africa. Sun’s Java programming language gets right in the middle of the charitable work. And voila, the U.S. doubles the dollar amount. Without No. 1 cell phone maker Nokia’s commitment to putting Java in all its phones, there would likely be few participants.

kind of *too* far-fetched feel-good-about-Java for me.

source: at CNET


3 responses to “How Java saved Africa”

  1. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    ah, got your point. i missed the introductory words of the quoted post [okay, and the fact that it is someone quoting/commenting on the speaker :p]…

    From the speaker’s point of view, this is just another success story. PR wants success stories…the slighty dirtier side of business.

  2. nchenga Avatar


    MY problem with the enthusiastic JavaOne speaker:
    i could also argue that Java cell phone technology in Nokia phones has helped criminals and terrorists to network and organize themselves faster. Thanks to Java.

    I was just picturing the typical self-praising conference speaker…

  3. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    Sounds very ironic to me, though…”to coax”, “and voila”, the initial rhetoric question…do you think this is a sober view on Java?

    This, I think, is a thing that could be twisted according to one’s needs. Sadly. Using high tech to engage swarms [intellingent swarming, eh?] like U2 are doing to have an impact on politics and economics etc. is just legitimate. Whatever one engages, there is always someone who’ll financially benefit as the ‘fifth wheel’ in the party, no?

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