Beta Deserves Better

I was browsing thru the list of bloggers that attended yesterday’s meetup (me included). This entry at had me laughing out loud:

Beta forever (in German)

Heh, I agree beta deserves better. And here’s my link to Nirgendwo.


5 responses to “Beta Deserves Better”

  1. Matthias Avatar

    Well, yes. If you never blog about your job, your friends, your colleagues, relatives, shopping, entertainment, or the place you live, you should be reasonably safe.

  2. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    a lot…yet a lot remains hidden [depending on how clever person is, of course].

  3. Matthias Avatar

    I haven’t really noticed that most German-speaking bloggers have their address on the site. On the other hand, anonymity on the web is a myth, even if you don’t post your ‘real name’, a determined researcher could find out a lot about you.

  4. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    after doing some browsing….question repeat:
    I’d really like to know why, especially, German-blogging blogs have this monster colophons – you know, publishing the entire address [while everyone is complaining about Datenschutz in other places], law statements and exclusions, commenting by supplying a “real name” [what ‘s a real name? it’s far more important to have a valid email address to talk to a person]….

  5. christian Avatar

    Hehe, and I just finished two little pieces of software (They’re on my blog) and labeled both of them version 0.1. And then I thought about how they’ll probably never grow up to be a 1.0 anyway.

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