Working on the Nyika

Read Jeff’s and Leslie’s blog from Nyika Plateau in northern Malawi:
Working on the Nyika

The Nyika – Vwaza Trust (referred to as the Trust) was established in 2004 to promote for the benefit of the public, the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of primarily the Nyika National Park and the Vwaza Wildlife Reserve. The Trust also aims to advance the education of the public in nature conservation, in particular those who live in adjacent areas. Recently, with the involvement of the Peace Parks Foundation (South Africa), Malawi and Zambia signed a memorandum of understanding that will lead to the creation of the Nyika – Vwaza Trans Frontier Conservation Area.

see also: Ministry of Tourism, National Parks & Wildlife > Wildlife Conservation Projects

Excerpt from Jeff’s latest entry:

Maybe the reason that I feel a bit down at times is that everything here is past its use by date. It’s all a bit sad. The forest, planted at great cost and with such expectations, is dying and no one really knows what to do with it. It is self seeding and presents a huge problem. In places it’s impenetrable. In most of the original forest trees are falling at odd angles resembling a giants game of Pick up Sticks . The houses and offices are falling down or in a severe state of disrepair, the responsibility of the Dept of National Parks and Wildlife who have no money. The roads are also in a sad state of disrepair. It’d be impossible to access Chilinda in a two wheel drive as one could in the past.

1 thought on “Working on the Nyika”

  1. Hi Nchenga perhaps when on the Nyika I could post pictures here? Will you let me know how?

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