Malawi Madness: Everything has its own time

while browsing through Bloglines, i stumbled across this new blog from Nkhata Bay in northern Malawi:

A story of the most unlikely couple you could imagine, from Clapham London who packed it all in to discover a new reality. In 1993 on the shores of Lake Malawi two naà¯ve 26 year olds, Paul and Claire Norrish begin to construct their dream ‘lodge’ in the remote African town of Nkhata Bay

I guess, the blog is new, judging from the test postings. Nevertheless, I encourage you to read the 3 long entries describing how the authors moved to Nkhata Bay. Included: a letter by the former Foreign Secretary, Douglas Hurd, describing the political situation in Malawi in 1993.

And here’s the link to their lodge:
Njaya Lodge


2 responses to “Malawi Madness: Everything has its own time”

  1. nchenga Avatar

    Hi Paul,
    the articles are great and well-written. They tend to be kind of long to read online. I’d go for shorter but more frequent posts. I’m sure many will find your experiences very interesting.

    Have I been to Malawi? I’m from Malawi…
    I grew up in Blantyre and moved to Europe after completing secondary school. I’ve been to Nkhata Bay. I remember it as being very beautiful.

    looking forward to reading more about Njaya Lodge,

  2. Paul Avatar

    Hi there you’re right they are new and have just been playing aroud with this blogging thing, first time anyone’s read about our time in Malawi. what did you think? have you been to Malawi?

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