Experimenting with WP Themes

Over 6 months after my first feeble design attempts with WordPress 1.2, I’m having a closer look at the theme functionality WordPress 1.5 offers.

If you have any issues regarding usability, fonts, colors, etc – please feel free to leave a comment.

[update April 25]
checked the new design on sm windows and it looks… well… different. Esp. the font and colors.

The comment box is slightly smaller in size in Opera, but the proportions look about right in Firefox and IE.

To Dos:

  • Remove centered line at the bottom of the page
  • Add space between page link and content border
  • Stripey comments
  • Would like to add the Chiperoni Blue Skies or similar somewhere on the page.

REM: With WP’s theme functionality, the old design is just a click away…

They’re dissecting WP themes over at UrbanGiraffe


5 responses to “Experimenting with WP Themes”

  1. nchenga Avatar

    IE comment behavior: oh nooo… I missed that! Will be fixed asap.

    Thank you 3.14a and Mlle. A for the feedback.

  2. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    ah waitaminute…what happened to the sidebar in the comments template? IE drops it and appends it bottom-right. It doesn’t in Firefox…

  3. mademoiselle a. Avatar
    mademoiselle a.

    adding the skies as header would look nice…I know, everyone has such headers, but still, it would look nice…

  4. 3.14a Avatar

    Test back 😉
    Comments seem to do their job.
    happy templating!

  5. nchenga Avatar


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