It’s Sunday evening and I can’t think of anything blog-worthy to write. Feel tired and restless.
Weather has been unusually warm for January. Yesterday felt a bit like spring. Beautiful sunshine and about 15 degrees warm.
For those of you that are waiting for snow, here’s a snow photo I took 3 weeks ago:
or maybe it’s a snapshot from my recent journey to the moon? Small step for man, a giant leap for mankind…
Stuff I did this weekend:
- Upgraded my WordPress installation to 1.2.2
- Went jogging for the first time in 2005 – about 3 kms.
- Did usual weekend chores like washing, shopping, cleaning.
- Paid bills.
- Talked on the phone and sent lots of SMS.
- Answered emails.
- Watched the relief effort in SE Asia.
- Spontaneously decided to visit a friend only to find out that nobody was at home.
- Surfed aimlessly thru the net and read online articles at Weltwoche, Spiegel and Focus.
- Developed chronic back pain to the point that I think I might go to the doc tomorrow.
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