Goodbye Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Freehand?

Today’s top news should prove interesting to follow: Adobe said the Macromedia purchase, Adobe’s biggest-ever takeover, brings together two “complementary” products. Adobe is paying 43.8 times operating profit and 7.5 times sales for Macromedia, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Source: Bloomberg What will happen to the Macromedia products where Adobe offers a similar product?… Continue reading Goodbye Dreamweaver, Fireworks, and Freehand?

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RSS Calendar

Create events your subscribers can import into MS Outlook (VCal) or Mac (ICal) If this tool also offered some kind of an export/upload for outlook / mac / palm calendars… i could think of a number of useful ways to use it!

Working on the Nyika

Read Jeff’s and Leslie’s blog from Nyika Plateau in northern Malawi: Working on the Nyika The Nyika – Vwaza Trust (referred to as the Trust) was established in 2004 to promote for the benefit of the public, the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment of primarily the Nyika National Park and… Continue reading Working on the Nyika

Java vs. PHP CMS/Portals

there’s a long but interesting discussion going on about content management systems at The Server Side. See: Ask TSS: Do any Java CMS/Portals match the PHP ones? There’s a lot of references to useful tools (both PHP and Java). Cos of the sheer number of different tools it’s all the more important to have a… Continue reading Java vs. PHP CMS/Portals

Categorized as CMS, General

copy writing tips

Five B2B Copy Myths by Jonathan Kranz, March 29, 2005 The next time you write, forget about trying to appear “businesslike” and really get down to business. Be direct, forceful and concrete. Write as if you were talking one-to-one with a good friend you respect. When you blow the dust off your prose, you’ll find… Continue reading copy writing tips

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Otitis Blues

I was grounded this week. No day job. No blogging. What felt like a bad cold was diagnosed as otitis media, a severe infection in the middle ear, which can lead to meningitis or can rapture the eardrum or cause hearing loss. It is – may I add – somewhat painful. But I’m back online.… Continue reading Otitis Blues

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Flower Myth

today’s cultural event: went to see the exhibition, Blumenmythos, at the Fondation Beyeler in Riehen (along with hundreds of other visitors). The show is a “must see”. Some of my favorites: David Hockney, Mount Fuji and Flowers, 1972 Andy Warhol, Flowers, series, 10 sheets, 1970 I’ll probably go back on a quieter day to see… Continue reading Flower Myth

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wordpress: how it all started…

it would be nice to have the flexibility of MovableType, the parsing of TextPattern, the hackability of b2, and the ease of setup of Blogger

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intro to php

Practical examples showing how to use basic PHP to display dynamic web content: Easy-peasy PHP

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Blogger Meetup in Basel in March 2005

Just got back from the Swiss Bloggers meetup in downtown Basel. It was fun sharing experiences and talking about tools and seeing the blogger “in person”. As Bamboozled had announced a couple of journalists came by asking questions about blogs, star bloggers… and the future development of blogs.

usability and rich web apps

Worries about rich web applications: I know I’m just one quiet voice in a storm, but if you are thinking of developing any kind of “rich” web application, please, please, embrace all the aspects of the web experience we all love so much rather than rejecting them for your own preferences and assumptions. Don’t make… Continue reading usability and rich web apps

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yet another quote…

I would rather endure the discomfort of adventure than the boredom of luxury.

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Even introverts influence other people. Sociologists tell us the most introverted of people will influence 10,000 others in an average lifetime. Wow. How many people might you influence, seeing that you actually want to make a difference in the lives of other people? source: paraphrase from one of John C. Maxwell’s books on leadership I… Continue reading influence

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If you’re in marketing…

Ten Reasons Why Blogging is Good For Your Career You have to get noticed to get promoted. You have to get noticed to get hired. It really impresses people when you say “Oh, I’ve written about that, just google for XXX and I’m on the top page” or “Oh, just google my name.” No matter… Continue reading If you’re in marketing…

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