Personal Outsourcing

I enjoyed reading A.J. Jacobs’ article on outsourcing his life to India. I particularly liked the emails his personal assistant wrote on his behalf to stop receiving press releases: Dear All, Jacobs often receives mails from Colorado news, too often. They are definitely interesting topics. However, these topics are not suitable for “Esquire.” Further, we… Continue reading Personal Outsourcing

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cycle tour along the shores of Lake Malawi…

There’s a Malawi cycle tour being organized by a British charity organization next Sept 2006: Cycle Malawi for Transaid Registration costs £299 and you need to raise a minimum of £2,750 in sponsorship. The itinerary is very scenic along the shores of Lake Malawi. Sounds like a lot of fun and something I would love… Continue reading cycle tour along the shores of Lake Malawi…

Fire at Ciba in Grenzach near Basel

Bei der Ciba Spezialitätenchemie im deutschen Grenzach ist am Dienstagmittag ein Grossbrand ausgebrochen. Die Bevölkerung in der umliegenden Region und auch in der Stadt Basel wurde aufgefordert, Türen und Fenster zu schliessen, da zunächst nicht feststand, ob giftiger Rauch entwich. source: Basler Zeitung Online

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interview with Clotaire Rapaille

It’s absolutely crucial for anybody in communication — and that could be journalists, TV, media, all of it, or marketing people — if you want to appeal to people, it’s absolutely crucial to understand what I call the reptilian hot button. If you don’t have a reptilian hot button, then you have to deal with… Continue reading interview with Clotaire Rapaille

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Web 2.0 again

Rick Segal’s advice: Avoid Web 2.0 categorization. And it’s not just an easy way to find funding. You still need the business to go with it. if you are working on solving a problem and looking to make money from the solution, focus on the customer and take advantage of what your ancestors, those Web… Continue reading Web 2.0 again

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WordPress 1.5 theme cheat-sheet

Brief overview of themes in WordPress 1.5 Hat tip: (update 21.03.2008) both of the above links no longer work 🙁

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Wikipedia on Malawi

The Malawi entry in Wikipedia has grown considerably over the past year. For example, there’s an entry on Malawian music: Music of Malawi and Malawian English. If you’re from Malawi or doing research on a topic related to Malawi… check the pages to see if you can contribute any useful facts and references.


This would be very useful on Sunday afternoons in the ICE train: a sitbag

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Firefox 1.0.7 upgrade in Ubuntu Hoary

workaround for Firefox 1.0.7 upgrade: execute sudo apt-get remove firefox firefox-gnome-support mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support. Then, once that’s finished, run sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox mozilla-firefox-gnome-support. source: The Firefox 1.0.7 upgrade in Ubuntu Hoary

What is Web 2.0?

found this so-called meme map on Web 2.0 via Read/Write Web.

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From Mac to PC and Back

Some useful tips to keep in mind if you’re moving Powerpoint slides from Mac to PC and back: Quicktime-compressed images won’t work on the PC Quicktime movies seldom work on PCs. Use MPEG or AVI instead. Links to external graphics files will break. Embed all graphics. Links to most media files will break UNLESS you… Continue reading From Mac to PC and Back


the numbers say it all: $26 In CASH per download. 43x current year revenues. works out to about $20 million/Skype employee source: Om Malik’s Broadband Blog » SkypeBay done for $4.1 Billion. My comment: i hope Skype won’t change for the worse. Cos I like the tool and use it often.

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evaluating Drupal 4.6.3

I’ve finally downloaded and installed Drupal to get an idea if this would be a possible CMS for a small web project I’m planning to start. Installing the basic modules and setting up the MySQL database was straightforward. No problems here. What I’m finding more daunting is the CMS interface itself. There are a lot… Continue reading evaluating Drupal 4.6.3

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